Chapter 26

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When I got the last of the bags into the house, I shut the door and locked it. I turned on the alarm and looked out the window to see if the truck was still out there. It was still there, and I was extremely nosey. I turned off the alarm and opened the door, then closed it again. I reset the alarm and went back over to the window. I stared at that truck through the blinds for more than a half-hour.

I finally walked down the hall from room to room, to say goodnight to my babies. After I left Jonathon, I went to put on my pajamas, and come back out to the living room. I had three things in mind. I wanted to eat my ben and jerry's, thumb through this book, and flip through the television channels. I climbed up on the couch with my ice cream and cookies,
after I grabbed the remote, and turned on the television. I flipped through the channels and landed on a rerun of couple's therapy. My marriage issues were a walk in the park compared to some of the marriages on this show. I watched some of the one-on-one therapy sessions. It seems like the wives were more hurt than their husbands. It kind of seemed like they didn't really care how their wives felt, or they felt what their wives were worried about were trivial. Maybe that's how he sees this whole situation. He may think I'm making a big deal out of nothing, but infidelity isn't just nothing. Asking me to be involved in a polyamorous relationship wasn't just nothing. I hope he really wasn't feeling this way. I grabbed my phone; I wanted to talk to call him, but I thought better of it. 

If I called him he was just going to send me straight to voicemail like he's been doing, which is just mean, and rude. I could feel the tears form in my eyes and slowly fall down my face. What did I really do to deserve this? They say there is no use crying over spilled milk. I still don't understand what that means. Why was I so worried about Gavin? He definitely was not worried about me or his children. This is beginning to sound repetitive. Go do this, think about Gavin. Go to sleep, dream about Gavin. See a truck that looks just like his, think of Gavin. I have got to find something to take my mind off this man. I'm starting to feel like a stalker. I looked around the room and my eyes landed on my purse. I thought about it, I still hadn't called Excalibur. I wonder what he is doing. It is kind of late to be calling someone, but what the hell, why not?

I went over to the island in the kitchen and grabbed my purse. I dug down into the compartment at the bottom of it and found his card. I said his name in a horrible Spanish accent, Excalibur Colon, l giggled, I didn't want to wake my children up.

By the time I got the urge to call him, it was well after midnight. I was still curious about the truck. I got up and walked over to the window to look through the blinds. The truck that had been sitting there when we came home was gone. I would bet the rest of my Ben and Jerry's ice cream that Gavin was in that truck. I closed the blinds and went back over to the couch. I was dying to call Excalibur, but I felt like it was too late to do that. I texted him instead.

"Hey, I don't know if you remember me but it's Adassa. I met you at ladies' night at the lighthouse."

It took me a minute to press send. After I did I wish I hadn't, it was so late I would probably get scolded, and people got up to go to work on Mondays. I am a housewife, so it looks like I have nothing better to do than stalk the men around me. That doesn't include the one man I would like to get to know. 

I contemplated this as I watched television and I ate junk food. I need to start going to bed when the children go to bed. I'm up pretty late thinking of everything under the sun. I looked at my phone again. I didn't have any text from Mr. Colon. I was hoping we could at least converse that way, especially since being up this late, made me feel like I had insomnia. I guess I got some serious energy from going out on Sunday with my babies, and they didn't.

I went to take all of the trash that came from junk food to the kitchen. That is when I decided I should go climb into bed and go to sleep. On my way to the kitchen, I heard a ding. Someone left a message. I wonder who it was because I knew it wasn't Mr. Colon. I washed the dishes I used and walked back over to the couch in the living room. When I got back to the couch I could see the screen of my cellphone blinking. It said I had a message, it was Mr. Colon. I had the biggest smile from ear to ear.

 "I remember you. Who could forget that beautiful woman with the sultry voice? What are you doing up so late?"

I didn't know how to respond to that. I had not been called beautiful in a long time. I mean my husband thinks I'm sexy, but I had not heard the word beautiful coming from a man in ages. What do I say?

"I had a long day out with my babies. During this time I'm usually somewhere knocked out, but I felt like staying up tonight, getting in some reading, and bingeing on junk food."

"Ah I see I'm not the only one doing the late nights, and a bit of bingeing."

I giggled because I wasn't the only one up late, he did the same thing I was doing. I had that feeling a plain Jane school girl gets when she finds out the quarterback has a crush on her. I was giddy like a schoolgirl, yes I was.

"At least I am not the only one."

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