Chapter 32

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I had previously dropped my phone on the couch next to me, after calling my sister to let her know I was okay. Which is why I didn't see it blinking; I had a message. I knew it wasn't Gavin, he hates to text. I picked up my phone to look at the message, it was Mr. Colon.

"Sorry, I didn't hit you up the next day. It's been a little hectic around here with work and the kids."

I stared at the screen; I wondered if I should text him back. After the day I had, I really didn't want to be bothered with anyone, and I do mean anyone. I wasn't going to be rude though, it just wasn't in me.

"Hey, shit happens, it's a part of life."

"This is true, and I need a vacation."

  "A vacation is an understatement. It has been pretty hectic around here too. I'm whooped."

"I understand you. How have you been? You know besides the being whooped."

"Other than that I've been okay. It's just some drama I've been trying to get squared away."

"Unfortunately, we are both experiencing some kind of drama. My ex-wife is nuts; I think her mission in life is to drive me to insanity."

"My ex is doing the same to me, and I just want it to stop. Why do they have to make such a big deal out of everything?"   

"I don't know, mine doesn't want to see me with anyone else, although she has moved on and gotten married."

"That doesn't make a bit of sense. She went on and got married, but you are not supposed to move on? What is going on in the world today? My ex doesn't want me to move on either. What he is doing is similar to what your ex-wife is doing to you."

"I get depressed just thinking about it. Let's talk about something else like me seeing you again. I don't mean in a club atmosphere either. I'm talking about a place that's nice where we can sit down, talk, and get to know one another."

My phone rang, I answered.

"If I didn't know any better Mr. Colon, I'd think you were asking me to go out on a date."

"Well, Miss Carter. I am."

 Okay, one thing is wrong here. First, I told him Gavin is my ex. What was I thinking? Well, I really didn't lie. We are getting a divorce, he just doesn't want to accept it, and we haven't lived together in months. I guess you can say we're separated, and it's not like I'm jumping into a relationship with Mr. Colon. We are just getting to know one another.

"Sure, we can go out somewhere in public and get to know one another."

He laughed.  

"Don't worry I am not some mysterious serial killer looking for my next victim. I'm just an average Joe looking for drama-free companionship."

"Oh no, I wasn't insinuating that you were some bad guy. I was just thinking about something that happened to me earlier this week."

"Care to share, I'll lend you my ear."

"Oh, Mr. Colon you are such a gentleman."

"You can call me Excalibur if you want to, you don't need to be so formal, and it's okay."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know I was being so formal. I like the way Mr. Colon rolls off the tongue."

"Oh, Ms. Carter, if I didn't know any better I'd think you were flirting with me."

"Well, Excalibur I think I am."

I giggled. I hadn't giggled like that since Gavin and I were dating, that was many moons ago. He laughed.

"If you could see my face right now, Ms. Carter."

"You can call me Adassa if you want to."

"If you can see my face right now, Adassa. It's bright red, something I haven't experienced since I was a teenager. Interesting!"

I giggled.

"Bright red huh?"

He was blushing at me flirting with him, and I was trying to picture what he looked like naked. My mind was where it shouldn't be, but I didn't really care about that at the moment. I hope I have a good dream tonight. A good dream would do for now. It's been a long time since I've been touched in all the right places. I think I like Mr. Colon.

I was lost in my thoughts for a moment. He called my name a few times. 

"Adassa. Adassa. Are you still there?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, for a moment there I was lost in my thoughts."

"They have to be some pretty good thoughts for you to get lost. I wonder if any of them were about me."

I laughed and belted out

"I'll never tell."

"Oh really, so you were having thoughts about me."


"Well, Adassa, it's pretty late. Unfortunately, I have to get up early and defend the weirdos of Chicago. We will speak again, so I can fill you in on the details for our outing."

"Okay, talk to you soon."

"Good night."

After he said good night, I went into the kitchen I got myself a glass and a bottle of Moscato. I'm not really a wine person, but I do drink Moscato. After that flirty conversation, I was feeling sexy. I'm glad I had it though, it took my mind off the madness and worrying about my babies for a little while.

I was wide awake, so I decided to watch the television instead of using it as background noise. I flipped through the channels a few times. I turned to VH1. This channel should be called reality central. Purple Rain was on. It was at that part where he sang the new music he found after his father had passed on. Purple rain is a pretty song. I found myself singing the words, and dancing when I would die for you came on. After talking to Mr. Colon, well Excalibur I felt like I was in another world. 

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