Chapter 39

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Do you know how it feels like someone is staring at you? After I got off the phone I looked over and saw a pretty boy staring at me. It was completely odd.

He came over to me and started talking to me.

"Hello, how are you? My name is Gio."

I looked around myself to make sure he was really talking to me. I was the only person in that little section away from the door.


He stuck out his hand to shake mine, then came the cheesy line.

"Hey baby, Are you tired?"

"Umm no."

"Well, you should be because you have been running through my mind all day."

It was then that I realized I was in a coffee shop full of college kids. I laughed at him and his cheesy line.

"Okay, fresh prince of bel-air. Is this how you pick up women? Does this cheesy line business really work for you?"

"Not particularly, but it breaks the ice."

"You look like one of those college kids over there."

"I am one of those college kids. Those are my friends, but I saw a beautiful lady sitting all alone, and I just had to come and say hello."

"Well, that was nice of you. I didn't know what your intentions were. I thought you may have been talking to someone behind me."

"No, I was talking to you."

He goes into his coat pocket and pulls out a little box. He hands me a card. It has all of his info right down to Instagram. I only know what Instagram is because my daughter wants one. She's not old enough to have one.

"I have to go, it's a study group, but I would love to talk to you again."


Just as he walked away from my table, Excalibur walked in, waved at me, and went to order himself some coffee.

After he got his coffee he came and sat down at my table.

"You look like one of those college kids over there. You have your notebook, laptop, and coffee."

"It's funny that you mention that, I was just mistaken for one. It was kind of cute."

"Don't tell me I have to compete with college guys too. Let me put my game face on."

"You are silly, but I like it."

"So, how far have you gotten with your research into writing?"

"I'm just looking through different sites. I kind of like this application called Scrivener."

"Everyone has been raving about it, so I got the trial version to check it out, and I can say so far so good. I may purchase it for writing purposes. I'm a little excited because I have been thinking about this writing thing for a long time now. I've finally decided to follow through with it, so I'm too excited.

"That's great I'm excited for you. Since we are here we can talk about our outing. I would still like to take you out to dinner."

"Oh that would be great, I kind of forgot all about that, but we can discuss it."

Well, I completely forgot about the invite to dinner. A little dinner never hurt anyone. I'm just wondering where he plans on taking me. I hear a lot of chicks complain about going to eat at places like Applebee's and Chili's but I happen to like those places. Honestly, I hope he doesn't pick a place where I have to get super dolled up.

"So, where would you like to go?"

"Honestly, I really don't know. I'm used to going to places like Applebee's, Chili's, or Culvers. I'm not too picky, and come to think of it I've never been picky when it comes to going out to places to eat. I'll say this to you, what did you have in mind?"

"I thought you were going to pick some uppity joint where you have to make a reservation and deal with the uppity staff. I'm kind of relieved that you like the regular stuff. I've dated some of the most stuck-up women in Chicago. I'm not saying that I'm trying to be cheap. It's just hard to meet normal women."

"Yeah, I am extremely normal, I don't require much."

"That's great! So, how do you feel about going to the movies?'

"Oh, I love movies. I like chick flicks on occasion, but I would not subject anyone to that. I love action and horror movies. Although they don't make horror movies like they used to. I still try and see new stuff though. There are the kids' movies, of course, because I have children. I like fantasy movies too. Harry Potter, Lord of the rings, The Hobbit, and so on."

"I do believe my prayers have been answered. I've been praying that I would meet someone like you."

"Oh really? Well, I'm glad your prayers were answered."

Excalibur took a deep breath, looked over at me, and smiled. It is that kind of smile you have when first awake and the sun is shining, know it's going to be a lovely day. Gavin looked at me like that last weekend. I think he thought we might get back together that weekend. I liked that look that Gavin gave me, but I like it even more, now that Excalibur is looking at me the same way.

"You just let me know when you want to go, I'll free up my schedule and we'll go out."

"I will let you know as soon as possible."

He drank the rest of his coffee, went over to the counter, and bought a muffin. While he was at the cash register, the college kid kept making faces at me and blowing kisses. I was so intrigued by Excalibur I forgot we were in Starbucks.

That is the look I've longed for, for so long. It is too bad it came from Gavin too late. Excalibur's kids were coming home soon, so it was time for him to leave me. I am just glad I got to see him today. I'll walk on cloud nine until we see each other again.

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