Chapter 37

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I packed their clothes and my laptop. If time allowed it I planned to go sit in a Starbucks and see what I could what kind of ideas I could churn out. It was sunny outside, but it was really cold. We were lucky enough to not get a whole lot of snow like we did last year. Last winter was horrible. We had weeks of below-normal temperatures that kept our children out of school for the most part. In Angel's case, the weather kept her sick. She was born with bronchitis and asthma, which is just not a good combination. During the winter we had to really watch her so we could make sure she was okay. After thinking about that, I went back into the house to grab a few inhalers for her. She was my only child born with a compromised immune system.

 When I opened the door to go back out to the car, Gavin was standing there. Here comes the cramp in a day. He scared the shit out of me.

I screamed.

"Didn't I just see you over the weekend, what are you doing back here?

"I went home and had some time to think."

"Yeah, about what?"

"The fact that you are too enthusiastic about divorcing me."

"Am I supposed to sit wishing on a star forever?"

"Who is he?"

"Who is who?"

"There has to be another dude, you are a bit too happy?

Now, I wondered if he had been checking up on me and knew about my friend Mr. Colon, and if so who gave him the run down? It could not have been Kendra, she can't stand him, and her friends don't know him. If he knows then how did he find out? I have to be careful with my words. It could just be an assumption. I don't know why I am tripping, I haven't been unfaithful, and Excalibur and I are just friends. You can't tell a man you are still married to that you are just friends with a guy. He'll look at you like your freaking nuts, and it's unforgivable to be just friends. 

I locked the front door and took the bags with the clothes over to the car, and put them in the back seat. I climbed into the driver's side and opened the window, so Gavin could continue whining about me not being a miserable woe is me, housewife. Who would have thought I could be happy without him? Well, everyone around me, but you get the point.

 I put the key in the ignition and started the car.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to drop clothes off for my children."

"After that?

"Not really sure, I'll go where ever the day takes me."

"I know there's a man. I just got this feeling Adassa. If I find out you are cheating on me."

I put the car in reverse and sped out of the driveway, laughing. How does it feel Mr. Carter? It doesn't feel good, does it? 

I drove over to Kendra's to drop off the clothes, she had already taken my babies to school, so she was at home hanging out. When I got there she asked me to stay for brunch, so we could catch up.

She made eggs, pancakes, sausage. That was breakfast, but she called it brunch because it was already after 12 pm.

"So, Miss Adassa what have you been up to? You have a little free time since your children have decided to have fun with their favorite auntie."

"It seems like they don't want to come home." I poked out my lip.

 "I spent the weekend with my husband last weekend. Don't judge me."

"Why would I judge you? You are still married to mister, so technically there isn't anything wrong with it. Are you all getting back together? Did he work his charm on you?"

"He worked his charm or he tried to. We did some for old-time sake things. He seems to think me, him, and she will be one big happy family. I'm looking for a divorce attorney. I want this to be a quick divorce, so I can move on with my life."

"Well, I'm glad you have come to terms with this and know that he's toxic and has to go."

"You sound like Oprah."

"Now you know I'm a counselor at Trinity on the weekends. I've been at that for a decade."

"I'm just teasing you."

"Have you heard from the guy you met at the club when we went out, lately?"

"Yes, we are supposed to hang out sooner or later. He left a few messages when Gavin was there over the weekend. I would have called him back, but you know how that goes. It would have been drama on top of drama."

"This is true, I could see mister crying like a little boy, even if you were friends with someone."

"Let him tell it, I'm supposed to be an old bitter married woman crying at home twiddling my thumbs, while he runs the street, and does what he wants. Those days are completely over."

"You sound like you are for real this time, it sounds like this decision is permanent, and you have really made up your mind."

"I love the man, but I can only deal with so much. I mean bringing another woman into our lives was the last straw. Every married couple has their up and downs. Marriage is hard work, and even more work when you all have children. He ruined that for me when he went out and did that. There is no coming back from that. Then there is the mess that has gone down since he finally admitted he was unfaithful." 

"You are one of the strongest people I know. You kind of remind me of mom in that sense. You are just a little different, well a lot different. She put up with dad and his foolish ways. You are not having it."

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