Chapter 9

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 After he finished his little love story, I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle him. I mean bring him through the phone to strangle him. I was so furious I felt like I could watch him die. I could watch the life leave his body as I choked him to death. I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. I sat there with the phone in my hand in silence for what felt like an eternity.

"Hello, Adassa are you there?"

I didn't answer right away. I had to regain my composure this, this jack ass will not hear me cry.

"I'm still here."

"Say something to me."

"Fuck you! Fuck your cable jump off! Fuck the both of you"

"Please calm down."

"You calm down. I've given you three beautiful children and nearly twenty years of my life. This is the thanks I get for that."

"This is why I didn't want to tell you."

"I would have found out sooner or later anyway. So, about this divorce? Oh yes, divorce, divorce, divorce."

I just kept saying divorce until I started to sing it. I could hear Gavin in the phone calling my name, but who cares. I don't care anymore. The truth is I still loved this jack ass, and I always would. He's the father of my children and was the love of my life. It's definitely time to move on with my life. It'll be a struggle, but I can do it.

"I already told you there will be no divorce."

"Do you honestly think I'm going to continue to live like this? I see you have lost your mind. I would say pick one or the other, but if you stayed it would feel like charity, and I'm no one's charity case."

This time, I hung up first.

He called me back several times, and I didn't answer. I took my phone and threw it at the wall. It shattered into what looked like a million pieces. Great, now I would have to get a new phone. The kids heard the commotion and came running to see what happened. I lied and said I dropped my phone. Angel and Jonathon were okay with that answer and went back into their rooms. Sharee didn't believe me, she stayed in the living room, and asked if I wanted to talk. As usual, she had overheard the conversation between me and her father. She felt she needed to console me. 

"I heard everything mom. You don't need him, you have us. Forget about that sorry son-."

She was about to say son of a bitch. I just looked at her, she thought better of it. I was prepared to slap the taste out of her mouth. 

"Mom we'll be okay let him go. Let him go be with that woman. He doesn't deserve you or us."

I hugged her and she held onto me for a while. She was right, he really didn't deserve us. At that moment I thought about Kendra. I needed to call her and tell her what happened and ask her what I should wear for this club night. I am determined to go out and have some fun, hopefully, I'll meet someone to take my mind off of stupid.

I looked down at the pieces of my phone. I won't be calling her until I get a new one. It was still early enough to go and get a new one. I called out to the kids and told them to get their coats. We were going out. I needed a new phone and we could get dinner where ever they wanted to eat. After that news, I did not feel like cooking anything. I also gave Sharee back her phone. I felt bad, and they are too young to be going through any of this madness. I still need to have that conversation with them, and soon.

I grabbed my purse, we piled into the car, and I asked them where they wanted to go eat. Jonathon and Angel said they wanted to go to Portillo's. I knew Sharee hated that place, I waited for her suggestion, but she didn't have one. She looked back at her brother and sister and agreed to Portillo's. I was shocked at that response. I started the car and we were off to the phone store first, and then dinner. I really needed to talk to Kendra. 

 Gavin was not expecting me to hang up in his face

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 Gavin was not expecting me to hang up in his face. He was actually relieved that he finally told me the truth. Now, all he had to do was tell her the truth. He began to think about this on his way to her house after work. He practically lived there now. I knew where he was, and that he was with her, and he didn't have to lie. He felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. Will Shantay react as I did, or would she go full-on nutso? Either way, he felt he needed to tell her the truth. He had finally broken his silence with me, and he would do that with her too. 

He pulled up to the house and parked his truck in the driveway behind hers. There wasn't a need to call her, she had given him a key. He unlocked the front door and walked in. She was waiting for him at the dinner table. She had prepared his favorite meal just because. His favorite meal was grilled tilapia, wild rice, and asparagus. The guilt began to eat at him. He went over to the sink to wash his hands before he said down to eat. 

"What's the occasion, pretty lady?"

"Can't I just be a good girlfriend and cook my man his favorite meal?"

"You can do whatever makes you happy pretty lady."

Pretty lady was his nickname for her; she thought it was so cute. She had no idea what was coming after they finished their meal. Gavin was still wondering how she would respond to the news. He hoped she would want to leave him like I wanted to. He didn't deserve either of us. He deserved to grow old alone. In the middle of eating dinner, he decided to initiate small talk. 

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