Chapter 18

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"Please be ready by nine, and wear something that'll make mister turn colors. Maybe you'll meet someone tonight. Let mister suffer for a little while, so he can see how it feels to be worried over you like you were over him."

"I already know my phone is going to be blowing up, or he'll try and find some excuse for me to come home early. Oh, I am wearing my little black dress, every woman should have one in her closet. I need to start pinning my hair up soon; it takes forever to do that sometimes."

"I have to be honest with you, I never thought I would see the day, that you would be coming to the club with me and the ladies. This is one of those moments in history. We must remember this day, it may never happen again."

We laughed. She was always good for some kind of sarcasm; it used to drive me crazy, but I had to realize that it was just her and how she operates. She's always joking about something, and she always manages to have a smile on her face. Even when she is down, or isn't feeling well. You can always count on her to smile, make you smile, and laugh. It was her way and I've come to love that about her.

 "I'm sure you were not expecting me to ask about club night. At first, I wanted to go to get my revenge, but now I just want some fresh air and a break. There are some other things I need to tell you too. This man told me a lot more than just the fact that he was cheating on me. There was what I call an indecent proposal. I asked him had he lost his mind. Oh, and I have to tell you about the mysterious phone call I received today. Yeah, there is quite a bit that we need to talk about, but I don't want to talk about it here. He is one of the ones to sneak up on me while I'm in the middle of a conversation. He was being super nosey earlier today when you called. That was the reason I screamed, so loud. He was right behind me. That man moves around like a cat."

"He's worried. He doesn't know what's going on and it's driving him crazy. He is used to knowing every little detail about what you are doing or what's going on. I bet it's hilarious to watch him squirm like that."

"Oh yeah, it is hilarious. He looked like a lost puppy dog when he asked me what I am doing. When I don't answer he turns right back into himself, jealous Gavin."

We said our goodbyes, and I was to be ready to be picked up by 9 pm. I was psyched about going out after all these years. I hadn't been out, just to go out since right after Gavin and I got married. I had my first child when I was twenty-five. Once Sharee came into the world it was all about her and nothing else. All that going out ceased to exist right after she came into the world. Since then I've been what I like to call a stay-at-home super mom.

Gavin returned with the children, he was treated shady again. It's going to take a while for him to get back into their good graces. Children today are not like they were back in the day. I would have forgiven my father for anything back then. That's because he was my dad, and I missed him being around. The children of today are not as understanding, and they take things like this personally. I think these three take after me. They came into the house, went straight to their rooms, and slammed their doors.

 "What happened?"

Gavin waved his hand at me, sighed, and sat down on the couch.

"I tried talking to them again, they gave me the cold shoulder. It's like I'm not even their father. I'm just some old man who picked them up from a fun day at the YMCA."

"I see you really thought everything was going to be the same when you came back here."

"I didn't expect everything to be the same, but I did expect my children to act like children and miss their daddy."

"A lot changed while you were gone. They are young, but they decided they needed to grow up quick, and try and fill your shoes."

"They would never ever have to do anything like that. As long as I live and breathe they will always have me to take care of them."

"They know that it's your presence they want. Give them some time, they'll come around."

"I'll wait forever if I have to. I hope I can get them to come out of their rooms to watch movies and eat pizza with me tonight."

"They just might."

Before I left to go finish pinning up my hair, I handed him the remote and told him he should watch television for a while. My hair always took so long for me to do, when I was actually doing something to it that didn't involve it being in a ponytail. I went into the bathroom and found the rest of the bobby pins; I started pinning up my hair. When I was finally finished, the bun updo reminded me of how the Supremes used to do their hair back in the day. It was old school, but I liked it.

While I was in the bathroom, the doorbell rang. I wonder who it could be, it couldn't be Kendra; I have at least four hours until it's time to go. I heard the door open and Gavin sigh.

"Hello to you too, mister."

"I've been meaning to ask you all these years. Why do you call me that?"

"Watch the color purple and you'll understand why I call you that."

He mumbled something under his breath before he came to get me.

"Your thot sister is here with her thot friends to pick you up."

They are super early, something must've occurred for them to show up so early. I walked down the hall past him, and he made this weird noise, it made me turn around and look at him. 

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