Chapter 44

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"I understand that and you should not have to worry about other women, he should be devoted to you and only you. What were we discussing before the incredible hulk busted up the conversation?"

"We were discussing the crime shows we watch."

"Oh yeah, so I watch a lot of those shows, but my favorite one is Criminal Minds. I had this dream of being FBI when I was real little. It was because of some show I used to watch. I can't remember which one it was though, but it was inspiring to me."

"Well, I come from a family of military and cops. I've been fascinated with that world since I was very young. When I was a teenager my uncle took me on a ride-along. I was going to be law enforcement or study law before I met my husband and started having babies."

"What other shows do you watch?"

"Oh, there are so many to name. Criminal minds is my favorite. I watch Blue Bloods, CSI, NCIS, and Elementary, Blindspot, Flashpoint, Numbers, Person of interest, Secrets and Lies, Dexter, Sherlock, Breaking Bad, and Castle. The list is longer than that, and I just started checking out Peaky Blinders."

"Wow, you like most of the shows I like. Where do you find time to fit them all in?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm a housewife. There isn't much to do after I've cleaned, cooked, and looked after the children, but seriously I have a DVR. I love that thing."

"That makes a lot of sense. Well, what are you writing about? I'm basically writing about what happened to me in my marriage. At least that's what I plan to start. I just started all of this, so I don't know what genre I will choose. I've been wanting to do this for years."

"How does he feel about this?"

"Honestly, I don't know and I can't say I really care how he feels."

"Most importantly, how do your children feel about this? Do they know what he has done?"

"The oldest one gives him the cold shoulder. My middle child read him his Miranda rights, and the baby is oblivious to all of it. At least that's what I think he hasn't spoken on any of this."

"Wow, you have your hands full. We've been sitting here all this time, would you like something to eat off the menu?"

Gio walked over to the counter and ordered something for both of us off the menu. I sat there thinking. Maybe I could start off writing about a bad marriage. It'll just be my first attempt at writing, then I can move on to something else. Maybe crime or something else. I really didn't know, but he had me thinking about it. I did watch a lot of crime television. I mean I watched nine seasons of criminal minds in three days. It might make sense to go that route. This means I'll have to start reading more about crime and mystery.

He bought quite a bit of food from that little counter.

"I couldn't decide what to get you, so I grabbed a lot of stuff."

"Aw, you didn't have to do that. You could have picked me something small off the menu. You are such a sweetheart."

"Thank you, are you trying to see if I turn colors."

"No, but are you going to turn colors?"

I sat there and looked at him until he smiled. I was waiting to see if he would turn red, or as he called it blush. I think that would have been hilarious. He comes off like this know everything playboy, but he's a sweetheart. I'll have to thank him for lending me his ear and listening to all of this madness. I think we'll be good friends. I think he's way too young for me though. I have to think of my children and how they would feel about a twenty-three-year-old coming around.

Okay, time to get out of my head. I'm thinking too far ahead.

"I'm not going to turn colors, I am extremely flattered when you speak to me like that."

"It would have been interesting to see you turn colors."

"Ha, yeah. I bet it would have been, so what's next? I mean after you leave here."

"I'll see him when I see him. I'm going to make him wait like he made me wait when I was trying to fix it. He's probably with his girlfriend as we speak."

I looked at my phone it was the early evening I had just enough time to pick up dinner or cook it when I got back to the house. Gio walked me out and told me he'd call me later, to see if I was free.

I climbed into my car and drove away. 

On my way back to my house; I decided against cooking. Just in case my babies had not eaten yet, I ordered some chicken and fish from Kennedy's on the way back to South Chicago. They were a corner place, but they had really good chicken and fish. My children were a picky bunch, but I know they loved that place.

While I was driving I called in the order. They told me it would take half an hour because they were slammed. I sat in my car and quietly waited when I got there. My phone rang, it was Gavin. I ignored it, and he kept calling. He left a bunch of messages. I'll check them when I get home. 

When the order was ready, I stopped by the nearest grocery store and got something to drink and frozen fries I could just throw in the deep fryer. Jonathon was a greedy French fry-loving kid. At six he was still picky about what he ate. I called Kendra to ask her where she was.

"Where are you chick?"

"I'm about 20 minutes away from your house. Are you there yet?

"I'll be there in five. I stopped to pick up food for the kids."

"Oh okay, you should make it there before me then. They have traffic stopped at the moment. The cops are dealing with someone. I'm not sure what happened, but I'll be there soon. 

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