Chapter 3

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After I hung up with my sister I went in to the kitchen and sat down at the counter. I needed a drink. I'm just tired of the same old same old. He doesn't really love me, and he hasn't in years. Why do I do this to myself? I thought I could change him. I thought I had the power to change this. The truth is you can't change anyone but yourself. I wish I would have had this epiphany before I married the idiot. This is ironic I'm one of those chicks I used to laugh at. I thought about this, as I walked over to the window to see if I saw my baby sister. Just as I reached the window she was pulling into my driveway. I guess the kids could hear the car too; they came running out of their rooms. I opened the door to let Kendra in.

She hugged me, the kids rushed her.

"Hello my loves; I have missed you all; you are getting so big."

"Auntie Kendra mom didn't tell us you were coming," Jonathon says.

"Yeah, mom didn't mention that you were coming," Angel says while giving me the side-eye.

"Uh, I was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by. Where is Sharee?"

"Jonathon go and get your sister tell her, her favorite aunt is here?"

A few seconds later Jonathon came running down the hallway.

"I know you know there is no running in my house little boy; where is your sister?"

"That's what I'm running to tell you; she's not in her room, and her backpack is gone."

I ran to double-check; because there is no way in hell a twelve-year-old of mine would leave my house unless she's going to school or somewhere with me. I see this child has lost her damn mind, but why would she just get up and leave? Oh shit! She must've heard the fight between me and Gavin.

"She's really not in there, where the hell could she have gone?" Kendra says.

"She's only allowed to hang out with a few girls. I watch her like a hawk; she was becoming one of those hot tail fast girls. A few nights ago I caught her on the phone with some older boy."

Kendra had this look of shock on her face.

"She's such a sweet little girl, and I never would have guessed that she was acting like that."

"I need to call Gavin and tell him that she's missing, with his no-good ass. He's the reason we're in this mess in the first place."

I picked up my cell and called Gavin. It rang for what seemed like forever. When he finally answered he seemed like he was annoyed that I even called him.

"Hello, this is Gavin."

"Gavin Sharee is missing"

"Excuse me. Who is this?"

This fool had the nerve to ask me who I was like he doesn't know my voice. Jesus be a fence and keep me from jumping over and saying something I'll regret later.

"Oh, now you don't know my voice. Alright! Whatever!"

"Negro our child is missing."

"What the hell do you mean our child is missing? Adassa, don't play with me."

"Do I sound like I'm playing with you?"

"What the hell happened?"

"I don't know."

"Kendra came over, and everyone came out to greet her except for Sharee. I sent Jonathon back there to see why she didn't come out, and he said she wasn't in there. I went to double-check. Gavin, she's gone. I know she overheard the fight we had earlier."

"Why do you have to call her every time we have a fight? You act like she's Iyanla Vanzant and she can fix our lives or something."

"Asshole, my child is missing and you want to argue with me about why my sister is here?"

He mumbled something under his breath and hung up the phone on me. What was I thinking when I married this fool?

After hanging up with the idiot that is my husband, I screamed down the hall for the kids to get ready to leave. I grabbed my purse and headed for the door and waited.

Gavin may not give a damn about where his daughter is, but I sure do. I love my kids, and sometimes I feel like they are all I have.

 We climbed into the SUV Kendra was driving and we were off to look for Sharee. Kendra thought it would be a better idea if we used her car. Sharee would recognize mine in a heartbeat and probably run in the opposite direction. She started asking questions about Gavin and really didn't feel like going into especially with the kids in the car, but we were going to talk about it anyway. I knew my sister, and she wasn't going to let up.

"What's really going on around here that would make Sharee run away? What haven't you told me?"

I looked over my shoulder to see if the kids were paying attention, they weren't. They were listening to the mp3 players their father got for them last year at Christmas.

"This marriage is over, and I said this to Gavin before he stormed out of the house. He isn't trying to hear that though. He thinks I'm supposed to sit here twiddling my thumbs while he goes around fucking this other woman or other women. I don't know how many he has. I know I don't or won't have much without him, but I need to start over. On top of all of our madness, my children are suffering. He's not gone for days, he's gone for weeks, and every single day our children are asking for him."

We stopped at a red light, she just looked at me and sighed.

"When you first brought him home; I just knew something was wrong with him. I could feel it in my bones. I wanted to tell you so bad, but you know how you are."

"Why didn't you just say something Kendra? You never know how I may have responded."

"Oh, I wasn't about to get cursed by the queen of let me see for myself. We can't say jack to you without you catching a nasty attitude behind it, and it has always been that way." She laughed. 

"I just wish I wasn't so stubborn, you would have mentioned it, and I would have listened. The only thing I don't regret about this marriage is my children."

Traffic finally started moving again.

We've got to find Sharee and bring her home. This is all his fault. If he was here this wouldn't have happened.

She's always been a daddy's girl, and I kept telling him this, but he was not listening.

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