Chapter 15

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While I was arguing with him my phone rang, I looked at the caller ID, and it was Kendra. She's finally calling me with the details. She texted me last night that she would be calling with the details this morning. I answered the phone and proceeded to walk down the hall and knock on doors. It was time for the children to get up and get dressed.

"Hey, my sister Kendra."

"Hey, my one and only sister Adassa."

We both began to laugh, the sister thing had become a bad inside joke.

"Are you ready to party like its 1999?"

"2000 zero, zero party over we're out of time, and tonight we're going to party like its 1999."

I don't even remember the words to this song, but I loved it and the man who wrote it. What woman did not love prince back in the day?"

"You still don't know the words to that song after all these years, and you still can't sing."

"I can sing, you're just jealous because you can't."

"Anyway, we are leaving my house around nine. It's ladies night at the Light House. Ladies get in free before midnight. If we leave at nine and get there a little early, we can stop somewhere for some cocktails. The drinks at the lighthouse cost too much."

"Guess who's here?"


"How did you know?"

"He show's up every time we're about to go do something fun. He's a super buzz kill."

"He came in last night and slept on the couch. I thought he was an intruder. He almost got beat with a bat this morning."

"Which YMCA am I supposed to be taking the children to? I know you want me to take them since I am here. Where are you, Kendra, and all her slutty friends going tonight?"

"You are going to take them to the one over on Houston and 91st. I'm not telling you where we are going. I don't need you to come busting into the place, like the jealous crazy man that you are."

"I am not a jealous person at all. I just love you, and I love very hard. That's how I got you remember?"

"Right, but you have to remember how you would act when another man would looked at me. I had to teach you to use your words, and not to be so angry. If any men came around me you'd lose it. You were nuts back then."

"Who else is going on this thot night with you all besides Kendra and her nasty friends?

"You need to quit talking about my sister like that; she hasn't anything but be nice to you all these years."

"If you say so, anyway let me get these children off to the YMCA for the day. I plan to take them to breakfast in the morning, you are welcome to come if you're not hung over. Don't be out there taking numbers either."

Who did he think he was? Now that I want to go out and have some fun, he's trying to give me rules and regulations.

 "I am not thinking about you Gavin Carter, and if I do take a number it's none of your business Mr. unfaithful."

"Whatever, you heard what I said, women."

He called for the children, they went out to the car, got in and disappeared down the street. I had to figure out what I was going to wear, and I want to get my hair done. I went over to the couch, sat down, and picked up the remote to turn on the TV. Gavin hasn't been jealous in a long time. Maybe I should have done this night out months ago. I know I shouldn't be this happy about this, but I'm ecstatic. I turned on the television to see what I could find. I flipped through the channels twice and landed on couples counseling. I laughed again, this time it was loud and hard. We would not be needing counseling this marriage is over. I know it and he knows it, I just wish he would accept it.

 I know it and he knows it, I just wish he would accept it

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On the drive to the YMCA, Gavin was lost in his thoughts. He couldn't believe I swung a bat at him, he couldn't believe I didn't know it was him. What he was expecting he had been gone for so long, and it hit him hard? On top of this, he's in the car with our children and they won't even speak to him. All three of them chose to ride in the back seat. He looked like a chauffeur driving rich children around. He tried to start up a conversation with Sharee.

"So, Sharee how is school going? Your mom tells me you are doing well."

It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Sharee was fiddling with her phone and completely ignored him, so he moved on to Angel. He called her name.


She raised her head from her book to look at him. She always had a book. She was our little book worm.

"Hi, how are you? Did you miss me? Am I still your favorite?"

He was not ready for the answer she was about to give him. 

"Okay dad let's stop the charade, you have been gone for months. You left the four us alone so you could go and do whatever. The whole time you have been gone we've been sad, but mom has been hurt the most and crying almost every day. It made me sad to watch that. If we seem a little standoffish, I'm sure you could understand why. You came back home great, but for how long? We are not trying to get our hopes up only to watch you leave again. Mom seems happy today, but I know it's only for the moment. Why? Because she thinks or knows that you being here is temporary. We don't know if she'll come back, from whatever it is you did. She's not the same mom she was when we were all together. Excuse me if I'm not the jolly happy go lucky daughter you left months ago."

She's pretty mature for a 9-year-old, and she's not afraid to tell you what she's thinking. I love it.

Gavin stared at her in the rearview mirror in complete shock. Sharee and Jonathon were shocked too, but Sharee was the only one who said something after she did.


For the rest of the ride, there was complete silence, and Gavin felt like a jack ass. Eventually, they pulled up to the YMCA. All of the children got out and didn't look back. He sat there and watched them as they went in. At that moment he felt his heartbreak. He never ever thought it would be like this with his own children. All that Angel said to him made him see the selfishness for a second time, and this time it really hurt. He started the car and pulled away from the curb, he was going to go see Shantay but thought he would come home to me instead.  

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