Chapter 20

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They came and got me early because we planned to stop for cocktails before going to the lighthouse. After we got into Kendra's Volvo one of her friends said that we needed rules. Apparently, this bunch of women had rules for going out. Kendra began to recite them, her friends repeated what she said back to her.

"Do not except miscellaneous drinks from strangers. If someone wants to buy you a drink, make them walk over to the bar, so you can see the bartender make it. If you are dancing with someone and mistakenly put your drink down, don't pick it back up leave it. Don't drink more than you can handle. In other words, a buzz is enough when you are out in a club. The most important rule is to leave with the people you came with."

This made a lot of sense with all of the things that have been happening to women at night clubs, parties, and any other places people consumed copious amounts of alcohol. I'd probably just have a few drinks at the first place we were going to, and that would be it. I was never much of a drinker anyway, and from the way this looked, I may be the designated driver too. These women were ready to party, and mean party hard.

As we drove through the city Kendra and her friends gossiped about nightlife. All I could think about was Gavin and his whispers in my ear, which made me hot by the way. I thought as I looked at the sky through the sunroof of Kendra's old Volvo. He was only home because this other woman put him out. I still want to meet her and compare notes or ask questions. Why did the crazy filled drama mess have to happen to me? I thought we were happy and getting along just fine. I still don't know what happened. Oh well, I'm out here now. I'll use this time to clear my head, and have some fun in the process.

We stopped at La Cocina, it wasn't a bar or a club. It was a Mexican restaurant, supposedly they had the best Pina Coladas in town. It reminded me of another restaurant I had been to years ago, but I can't quite remember the name. 

We pulled into the lot and there were a lot of people there. All of us got out of the car and walked over to this place in what seemed like slow motion. We weren't in there ten minutes before we were ushered to a booth, and offered chips and salsa. I was ready to go as soon as we walked in there.

A waitress came and asked what we wanted to order. Kendra ordered two pitchers of Pina Coladas. The waitress asked if we wanted food, everyone declined but me. I know what happens after you consume liquor on an empty stomach. I ordered a chicken taco with avocado. Shortly after our drinks and my food came. They were talking about the night and how much fun it would be. Kendra poured the Pina Coladas and the glasses that were brought earlier. I ate my taco which was really good. I might have to come back here with the children, and maybe their father. We begin to drink these Pina Coladas. They were good too. Yes, I would be coming back to this place, soon. The drinks went fast, and we sat there for a while to digest. Kendra's friends were annoying. 

I sat in silence and listened to their conversation. Some of these women were having the same issue I was having. A cheating boyfriend or husband and his jump off or longtime mistress. I thought that was ironic. I wonder if they were thinking the same thing I was thinking, but about their significant others. Were they looking to meet new people, or were they just out to get some fresh air? I had the sudden urge to be nosey and ask some questions, but I thought better of it. I just sat there and waited for everyone to finish drinking their Pina Coladas, so we can go to the lighthouse, chill, and dance. Maybe I'd dance and they would just go to the bar. They were ready to leave because they wanted more drinks.

It looks like I'll be driving I didn't drink as many Pina Coladas, this made me eligible to drive these buzz filled ladies around. We paid the bill at La Cocina and headed for the door. I was the last to walk out because I wanted to make sure we left with everyone.

 The ladies slowly walked over to the car and waited. Kendra dug down in her bag to look for the keys, not remembering that she gave them to me while we were inside. Yes, these ladies were pretty buzzed. All of us climbed into Kendra's old Volvo, I stuck the key in the ignition and started the car. It did that sputter jump, jump thing you usually hear with cars older than ten years. I'm surprised this old thing is still running. My father bought it for her so long ago as a graduation gift. She loves this thing, I guess she plans to keep it until it dies.

 I put the car in drive and pulled out of the parking lot. We were on our way to the lighthouse for ladies night. On the drive to the club my phone rang it was Gavin, of course, I could not have one night without at least one call from my unfaithful husband. That would be too much like right.

"Hello, Gavin," I say with a little bit of sarcasm in my voice.

"Are you having fun yet?"

"We haven't reached our destination yet."

"You all left here kind of early. You all should be there by now."

"No, we stopped for cocktails. They drank too many, and I had one and a taco. Long story short I'm in the driver's seat right now. Honestly, this night is not what I thought it would be. I'm not really missing anything."

He laughed.

"This is why you should have stayed at home with me.

"No, I really needed some fresh air to clear my head. You have caused so much trouble, and made our lives unnecessarily difficult."

"Okay, I get it. I know that have been an unfaithful jackass, but how long will I have to pay for that?"

"Since I don't trust you, you'll be paying for this for a long while. Does this mean you have decided to stay with your family? The people who love you."

He paused for way too long. This meant the nightmare he has created for me will not be ending anytime soon. I wish he would just divorce me then, instead of making me miserable. He changed the subject fast; he told me about the children and what they were doing. Sharee and Angel continued to ignore him, but Jonathon actually came out to watch movies and eat pizza.

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