Chapter 29

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I got some other things from Family Dollar. They say it is just not possible for a woman, to go and pick up just what she needs. She always comes back with half the store. That is definitely me. No matter where I decided to shop I always came home with quite a few purchases. This is the kind of stuff that would drive Gavin insane. It doesn't because I know how to budget. My mother taught me how to budget down to the last dollar, and I taught him. I wonder if he'll remember any of the stuff I have taught him over the years. I guess only time will tell. 

I went back to the car with my latest purchases for the day. I had worked up an appetite, so I went across the lot to Applebee's. They had really good food during lunch hour. I was surprised the place wasn't crowded. As soon as I went through the doors I was greeted and seated. A minute later a waitress came to take my order. I wanted some kind of seafood since it had been forever since I had eaten any. While I waited I thumbed through my phone, played a game, and looked through my feed on Facebook. 

Someone had come in right after I did earlier. They were also greeted and seated right away. I wouldn't have paid them any mind except they kept staring at me. That in itself was creepy. I found it odd that this person didn't order anything. They sat across the room and stared at me. If I had followed my first mind; there may have been an altercation, but who has time to be calling around trying to drum up bail money, beyond that, orange just wasn't my color. I couldn't pull it off if I tried. 

The waitress came with my food and asked me if I needed anything else. I told her that would be all for the time being. After she left the person who had been staring at me moved to a table close to me. After that, I had to ask them what was going on.

"Can I help you with something?"

"I've been trying to work up the nerve to come over and talk to you. I had been wanting to meet you for some time now, but he just kept telling me no."

That's when it dawned on me, it's Shantay.

"Wait....what? Please elaborate."

I didn't let her know that I figured out who she was. She didn't even have to say his name. I knew who he was. What was weird was the fact that she found me at Applebee's in the middle of the day trying to have lunch. Which meant she had to have followed me. Who does that? Stalkers do that. Flashing back to the day I took the children out, and I thought I saw his truck. Did I see his truck and he wasn't the driver, maybe she was? If this gets out of hand I may have to blind her with the mace I have down in my purse. 

"My name is Shantay, we spoke on the phone a while back, about Gavin."

I'm not really an actress, but I am about to put on a little show.

"Yeah, I remember you. I told you, you can have him. I thought you all would be riding off into the sunset by now."

"See, that's the thing. He still loves you and doesn't want to give you up. He came to me with this proposal, and I was so pissed about it at first, but the more I thought about it. It sounds like a good idea. He told me that he mentioned the same proposal to you, and you said no. I'm just being a buffer here. I know you love him as much as I do."

Was she serious? I've been married to this man for nearly twenty years. Of course, I love him, and I always have.

"I've consented to the polyamorous relationship. Yes, I love him that much. I was wondering if you would join us. You could try it out and see if you like it. It might work out, Gavin doesn't have any plans on letting either one of us go. I told him I think he is torn. He said no, he is in love with two women, you and me."

What was I supposed to say to that? The man is serious about this I can't let you go business. He is about to be in for a rude awakening. I can't do this, I deserve better than this. I'm a good person, and I should not have to share the one I love with anyone. She can share him with whoever, but it will not be with me. Like I said before, I am not an actress, but I am about to put on a show.

 "Shantay right? You have Gavin call me, and I'll talk to him."

"Okay, this sounds more promising than a flat-out no. I'll tell him what you said."

"Thank you. I'd like to enjoy the rest of my lunch now, alone."

This woman was out of her mind if she thought I was really willing to consent to something like this. This is the kind of thing that makes you want to go to some tropical island and never come back. I really wish that I could, but I have my babies. Maybe I could take a trip with them when the divorce is finalized. Oh yeah, there is going to be a divorce. There is no if, and's, or buts about that one. I need to talk to a divorce attorney as soon as it's possible, so I can find out what I need to do.

 I'll play this little game with him and his jump-off for a moment. I'll let him think he got me and then wham! I need to get some things in order on a serious note.

Time to pick up the children, bring them home, and relax.

I stopped for gas on my way to St. Michaels to pick up the children. I picked up some snacks for them, they loved having snacks after school. I planned on looking into that after-school program Excalibur mentioned. It's going to be a lot of work getting out of this mess that I am in. 

His ProposalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora