Chapter 28

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We walked through the store over to the electronics section. She showed me a number of Acer laptops in different sizes. I was looking for something small I could put in my bag, and go whenever I needed to. In the end, I purchased a laptop with an eleven-inch screen. It was perfect. I also did a little bit of grocery shopping and headed home.

Once I got outside and over to the car, my phone rang, it was Gavin. What a great way of ruining a perfectly good morning. Before I answered I decided I wasn't even going to argue with him.

"Good morning. How can I help you?"

"You sound like a customer service rep."

"I'm practicing I just might have to get a job in the near future."

"No, we had an agreement once we started having children remember? You would be a stay at housewife and take care of them, while I worked."

"The man I married altered the agreement we had when he started seeing other people. When he felt the need to add people to our marriage as if I wasn't good enough. I guess it's not looking too good right now, and I don't trust that outcome will be great for me and my children."

"You mean our children, Adassa. I don't know what's going on, but I think you are up to something."

"What is that supposed to mean, Gavin?"

"It means you have become a little too calm, you are usually dramatic and raising hell when I call."

"You know what? I get tired. I get tired of wondering where you are at. I get tired of wondering what you are doing, and why you are not here with me and the children. It's extremely draining, and it's not healthy for me or my children. Why continue to raise hell, when you are going to do what you want to anyway?"

"Wow, what has come over you? What is going on that I need to know about?"

"There is nothing going on. I'm not like you. I'm not a slithering snake that goes around breaking spirits and choking souls. I'm not that monster Gavin, that's you. I'm not the one who left our children again. That's all you, you're the monster in this fairytale gone wrong."

"I'm not a monster. I'm just someone that is misunderstood, and completely confused."

"What am I supposed to do about you being misunderstood and confused?"

"You can oblige me and try this polyamorous relationship with me and Shantay"

"I shouldn't have to share the man I took vows with, with anyone. I shouldn't have to oblige you. How about you oblige me and give me a damn divorce? You oblige me for once in your damn life."

"We already had this conversation; we are not divorcing."

"We'll see about that Gavin Carter, we'll see."

He was saying something else when I hung up the phone. At this point, I really didn't give a damn. I'm tired of having to be there for everyone or as he put it oblige, and no one is there for me. Who washes his clothes? Who takes care of his children? Who cooks his dinner? I've been a good housewife. Why is this fool trying to force me into some mess I don't just don't want to be in? Her name was Shantay now, well he can go and live with her. I don't have any fight left in me.

 I was excited all over again about my purchase, and my plans to start writing. I grabbed everything out of the car and headed to the front door. I had a lot of time until I had to pick up the children from school. I put my purse and everything on the table. I did that little shuffle most men do when one of their football team gets a touchdown in the last quarter that wins the game. The smile on my face was so wide, I looked like I was a kid in a candy store. I was happy to spite of talking to Gavin's unfaithful behind, I was happy. 

I opened the box and took my little laptop out. It was smaller than it looked in the store. That was good. I would be able to take it anywhere. This just meant I would be able to take it anywhere with me, it fits into my bag properly. Oh, and it was a two in one. That means I also have a tablet,  not bad for a little under $300 bucks. I had to figure out where I wanted to put it. This meant I needed a little office space just for me. I could move the girl's computer, but then I would have to do that every time I wanted to use the space. I would rather not have to keep doing this. Suddenly, I got an idea. I walked into my bedroom and looked around. There was some space in my bedroom in the corner. I would need a desk and a sturdy chair. I didn't feel like going all the way back to Walmart, so I stopped in at family dollar, they had a lot of little cute stuff and decorations for the house. That is where you go when you have to shop on a budget. 

They didn't have any chairs, but they had a small sturdy desk that would fit perfectly into space in my bedroom, next to the dresser. It came in a box, which means I had to put it together. I was fine with that. I'm crafty with tools thanks to my loving father, who said I needed to learn these things. If I learned these things I would never have to depend on a man to be handy. Dear old dad made sure I and Kendra knew how to do it all, right down to changing a tire if we needed to. I just need to find the right chair, and everything will be perfect. I'll use one of the kitchen chairs for the time being. 

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