Chapter 7

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When I got there Sharee was standing outside with her friends, but Angel and Jonathon were nowhere in sight.

"Sharee! Where are your brother and sister?" I screamed.

She rolled her eyes at me. Her little friends thought it was funny and laughed. I gave them that motherly death stare, they apologized. 

"Mom, it's freezing out here. They are inside the school keeping warm."

I still owed her a punishment for the stunt she pulled. She had the nerve to sass me. She turned, went into the school, and came out with her brother and sister. They all ran to the car and jumped in.

Angel gave me a kiss on the cheek, sat back, and put her hood over her head.

"Angel, are you okay?"

"I'm fine mom we just did a lot in class. I need a nap."

"Oh okay well you can sleep on the way home, and take a nap when you get in."

"That's the plan mom."

I looked at Jonathon and asked the same question, but he was already fast asleep. I had to call for Sharee.

"Sharee let's go."

She turned around and rolled her eyes at me again.

"Coming mom." She says.

She said goodbye to her friends, climbed in the car and sucked her teeth.

"How dare you suck your teeth at me? I still haven't given you your punishment." Do it again and your little friends won't see you outside of school until you're ready to graduate high school."

"Okay, I'm sorry please don't turn me into an adolescent shut in."

I laughed so hard I had to pull over. This child of mine always finds a way to make me laugh.

When we finally got home. All of my children went straight to their rooms.

I looked around, it looked like Gavin had been home. Was he here? I went to our room to find out.

The closet and some drawers were open. That ungrateful asshole came and got some of his clothes and left. I wonder if he was sitting outside waiting for me to leave.

Most parents leave their children in the dark when there's trouble in paradise. I won't do it anymore. As soon as I can, we are having a family meeting. I'm going to shed some light on the situation before anyone else does.

I changed into something comfortable, went into the living room, and plopped down on the sofa. There really wasn't anything for me to do. I called out to the children to see if anyone needed help with their homework. They screamed no in unison. I guess they have seen enough of mom for today.

I grabbed the remote and turned on the television. I think I will watch reality TV for one reason. There's usually some train wreck in someone's life. Better to watch their life drama than deal with mine.

Kim and Kanye are a cute couple, but not as cute as that baby North. Why did they name that baby north? I mean his last name is west. Maybe she'll change her name when she's grown. That poor little girl.

I flipped through the channels to see what else was on. I stopped on Scream. Apparently
MTV has turned into a series. It was the latest episode, which means I missed nine before this one.

I went into the kitchen to get some goodies. Yes, I am an emotional eater. I'm mad that I'm here alone and I have a husband. I'm mad that he's never here. I'm mad that he's with another woman. What does she have that I don't? I mean, if there was something that needed to be communicated. Why didn't he just do that? Instead, he takes the easy way out and leaves.

I thought about this as I stuffed my face full of junk food. I grabbed the remote again. I planned to watch the other episodes of Scream. I was going to pull up Hulu. I think they should be up there by now. I went through the channels one last time. This time I landed on couple's therapy. More reality show train wrecks, but it was a good idea.

I had been asking Gavin to let me go, and I didn't even think about marriage counseling. I think I'll run this by him, and see what he says. Maybe we could try and make this marriage work.

I picked up the phone and dialed Gavin.

"Hello, this is Gavin."

"Hey what are you doing right now?"

"I'm not doing this today woman."

"You're not doing what today?"

"I refuse to argue with you today."

"I didn't call to argue with you. I called to talk to you."

"We are going to talk, just not now."

"Can I just run this by you?"

"Sure, if it'll get you to stop tripping."

"You say you love me, and you don't want to let me go, right?"

"Right." He says.

"What about marriage counseling?"

"I don't know about counseling, but I'll think about it."

"Okay, well let me know what you think."

"Okay, I've got to go."

He hung up, and I wasn't even mad. For the first time in a long time, we didn't argue. We might be able to save this mess of a marriage. I smiled and went back to watching couples therapy.

I recognized some of the people there. Apparently, that rapper Joe Budden and Kaylin Garcia are on this season of couple's therapy. This should be interesting. Yes, I plan to watch it. With absolutely nothing to do, I can watch some of the television I've been missing.

Ugh, Joe is the epitome of an asshole. He put that girl through some serious heartache. I would feel like crap if the man I loved told me he was still in love with his ex. They showed footage of him proposing to the other woman on another reality show. I would have lost my damn mind, and probably went postal. Who does that, but a man? Watching this show made me mad all over again. Gavin did not have too much time to make up his mind. I extended the olive branch if he doesn't take it, then this is over. He can go and have whoever the hell he wants. 

His ProposalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora