Chapter 12

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My smart little sister proceeded to lecture me about club etiquette. Talk about hilarious, but I love her. 

"We don't bring dudes home from the club home Adassa."

"Duh, I'm not bringing anyone home."

"After this madness is over, I plan to just be single. The jump-off can keep him if she wants him. She can deal with his drama and his temper. I'm done with it."

"You know you still love him."

"Love isn't supposed to hurt; love doesn't mean I have to put up with bullshit."

"I know sis, and I'm sorry this happened to you. I always thought I would be the one something like this happened to. I usually have the worse luck with men. I'm surprised this relationship hasn't been flushed down the toilet by now. That's what usually happens right about now. I'm just waiting for it to blow up in my face."

"You know what mom would say right?"

My mom is the bible thumping queen, and she always has either a scripture, saying, or some mantra for every situation.

"What would mom say?"

"She would say, don't speak ill will into your life. If you speak positivity, it will come to you."

"OMG that is definitely something mom would say. Don't ever tell her she was right or one of her sayings was useful because you will never ever hear the end of it."

"Are you kidding me? Telling her she's right about something is like the second coming. It'll be like he came down and whispered into her ear about our conversation."

We both laughed.

"I love mom, but when she's not medicated she's insane."

"This is true, we still love her."

"Yes, we do."

"Alright chick, I need to get off this phone, and go and see what my children are up to. They have been super quiet since they got home."

"Give them my love, and I'll hit you up Thursday or Friday about club night. I hope you are ready for some fun."

"You just don't know now. I'm going to party like its 1999."

Kendra laughed at me and said goodbye. After I hung up the phone it rang again. The caller ID said unknown, but I answered it anyway.



"Whoever this is playing on my phone, don't think that unknown can't become known quickly, once I call the police department."

The phone line went dead. This was the second weird call I got, and I'm really wondering who this is. Maybe it's Gavin playing. He used to do stupid stuff like this back when we first got married. Then he would come home and tell me it was him after I had already had a mini heart attack, ready to call the police. It drove me insane for a while, eventually, I got used to it. I kind of miss all the silly stuff he used to do. My mother was in my head right now with one of her sayings. Well, it wasn't her saying, but if it was up to her she would tell the world she said this. After shaking her out of my head. I went to check on my children. I was being very lazy. 

I screamed down the hall.

"Is all of the home work done?"

They screamed in unison.

"Yes, mom!"

"Has everyone picked out their clothes for tomorrow?"

"Yes, mom!"

I went over to sit down on the couch, picked up the remote, and turned on the television. Couples therapy was on again. I decided to watch it again. I didn't know what episode it was, but it wasn't my life, so I don't really care. It was time for a one on one with Joe Budden and Kaylin Garcia again. I don't know why I felt like I identified with them, but I did. The only difference between them and us was the period of time they were together. Everything else was the same. There was another woman I didn't know about until recently. Kaylin knew about his previous relationship with Tahiry. He supposedly had leftover feelings for Tahiry and thought he was still in love. She encouraged him to explore that even though it hurt her so much. Wait! Did Gavin love this other woman? I'm about to find out if he does or not. Watching reality TV will shed light on just about everything concerning relationships. I called Gavin, the phone rang and rang. He finally answered.

"Hello, what do you want?"

"I just want to know one thing."


"Do you love this woman? Correction, are you in love with this woman? The two are very different, so which one is it?

"Are you serious right now?"

"I've very serious right now."

"You are so annoying if I answer this question you can't ask me anything else right now."

"Then don't answer the question; I already know that question is going to lead to another and another and another. How about I just email you with a list of questions and you answer them when you have time."

"When I have time huh? Who do you think you are fooling? Remember the last take my time incident? It led to me coming clean about her."

"What's her name?"

"No, we are not doing that. We are not going there. You don't need to know anything about her, and she doesn't need to know anything about you."

"That sounds like you told her you are married with children."

"As a matter of fact, I did. I told her everything, and surprisingly it went very well."

"Really? I don't believe you. What self-respecting woman would be okay with being the other woman?"

"She's just fine with this, and she's not the other woman. Quit calling her that."

"In case you haven't noticed, we live in Illinois. This is not Utah, and you are not about to have some urban version of sister wives. The best thing for you to do is give me my divorce and go be with this woman. Let me go already, Give me a freaking divorce Gavin."

"There's like five women to one man on sister wives. This would not be my own version of that. I mean it would be nice, but this is not that."

"Oh, you think this shit is funny. There isn't shit funny about a broken marriage, and a broken heart."

He ignored everything I said and continued to talk about his affair. He is a selfish heartless bastard. 

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