Chapter 35

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"Okay, you run the show. Can we just keep that to ourselves? I need to keep my manhood intact. Don't bruise my ego baby."

He laughed again. This is a rare occasion. Gavin Carter has never been this jovial in his life. He has always been a serious person, and about everything. It was interesting to see this side of him after all of these years. Like I said before it changes nothing. He finally noticed the children weren't home. 

"Adassa, where are my babies?"

"Well, since your wifey freaked them out and tried to kidnap them, they are spending some time with their auntie Kendra. Now, don't go down the warpath. They were really scared. I've never in my life seen Angel cry like she did that day. Our children were seriously traumatized. I'm just glad they remember not to speak to strangers or go anywhere with anyone they don't know."

"I'm not going to go down the warpath. They are with family, and that's good enough for me. As long as everyone is happy, I'm happy."

Who is this man and what have they done with my husband? Did some otherworldly beings come down and leave us a clone or something? This has to be an act to get me back, or to get me to join that weird love triangle. It just has to be.

 "They won't ever have to worry about experiencing that again with her. I nipped that in the bud quickly. She knows never to approach you all again."

"What did you do? Is she still alive?"

"What do you mean? Yes, she's still alive. I just had to show her who's boss, and get her to stop going to do things without my consent. Although I would have never given her consent to stalk you or my children. I still can't believe she did that."

"Well, I'll take your word for it, but just know this, if she forgets that you are a boss, she's going to find out what it's like to cough up a new balance. I don't play about my children."

"Cough up a new balance? Huh?"

"Remember? New Balance is my favorite tennis shoe."

"Oh, so what you are saying to me, is you'll beat the breaks off her if she approaches you again."

"That's what I am saying, and that's what I mean. I will give her a Chicago beat down about my babies."

"I like it when you are a feisty woman. You had better be careful, that type of stuff turns me on."

Did he really say that to me? His little wifey should be calling any second looking for him. He said after he told her not to approach us, he stormed out of the house. She'll be calling soon.

I turned around to face him, and he was gone. I stopped to listen for a minute. The shower came on. He has made himself at home. Well, technically, but we talked about this. This place is mine. I heard him calling my name, and I ignored it. I was not going back there to wind up naked and soapy. He thought he was slick talking about he needed a towel. There were fresh towels in the top cabinet in there. I just replaced them this morning. Who does he think he is fooling? I guess he is playing a man in distress.

I screamed down the hall.

"The face towels are on that little shelf thingy."

"I know that woman. I need a dry towel."

Shoot! That's the one thing I forgot to put up. 

 "I grabbed a towel big enough for him, it was one of those beach towels. I tipped toed down the hall. I opened the door, threw it in, closed the door, and scurried away like a startled cat.

"Adassa why didn't you stay and shower with me?"

"Haven't you had enough of me for one day?"

I was being playful when I shouldn't be, but why not? This man is still my husband, and that means I can do whatever it is I want. I'm wondering if he thinks this will bring me back to him. There is definitely no reason for him to get his hopes up. I guess you can say that I'm playing this game until it's over, and it will be over soon, as far as I'm concerned. Maybe I should keep him for the weekend, but that would be me being evil. She didn't know about me until he told her. I have to keep that in mind. 

This was fun, but I need him to go home to her, so I can get on with my life. I haven't been paying attention to my phone. I'm sure Excalibur thinks I fell off the planet. He came out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. He was very tempting, but I found the power to resist him. I can still say that the man is my kryptonite, which is why I need him to go back to where he came from. He came out of our bedroom fully dressed. 

"Why do you keep running from me woman?"

"Because you don't belong to me man. I've already done too much with you."

"It's never enough for two people that are married."

"You keep forgetting about the special circumstance."

"What special circumstance?"


"Why do we have to keep talking about her? Why can't we just enjoy each other without the drama?"

"She is the reason we are at this point. I'm just trying to remain in a state of realness."

"Yeah whatever woman. Well, it's time for me to go; I've invaded your privacy enough these two days."

Wait. Had we really been in the same house without trying to kill each other for two days? Wow.

"Okay, Mr. Crazy have fun with your mistress."

 He waved at me before he walked out the front door. As soon as he left I locked the door, poured myself a drink, and headed for the couch with my phone. I needed to check my messages to see if Mr. Colon had contacted me.

I looked at my phone and there were a few messages from him. With the last one he assumed I was busy, and he would catch up with me when he could. I was okay with that. Which meant I wouldn't contact him, and make myself look suspicious. I mean I spent the weekend with my soon-to-be ex-husband. I don't think that would go over well, even if I told him. He doesn't even know I'm married yet. I just need to figure out a way to tell him. 

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