"So our shipments are arriving as planned right?" I heard a familiar voice.

"Yes My Lord. It should be here in an hour." Came a reply.

I peeked over the edge and saw Ven conversing with two Imperials.

From the height of where I was it was unlikely he'd look up but all the same, I withdrew my legs.

"What is he up to?" I whispered.

Ven Jokan went on, "Luckily there was a delay on arrival. That Meroe's boy's insistent stupidity to interrupt my dealings has caused some of the family boards to lose faith in me."

I should be honored, I grinned, "What are the odds, Abu?"

"There must be nothing in the way if another commotion like that happens and I lose the merchandise, I'll be in big trouble." Ven walked ahead as the two guards followed silently.

"The items being brought in are of extremely high value. We can't afford to slip up." He paces back and forth.

"It is because of this possibility that the location has been changed. The shipments have already arrived and are being stored in the temple of Fortia. It's unlikely we'll receive any disturbances in the holy place."

It's in there. Wow, they really must've planned for me.

Ven said 'holy' in a mocking way as he laughed, he was probably worse than Moab.

"Anyone who comes across the merchandise should be killed if he or she is a commoner, do I make myself clear?"

The Imperials nodded and Ven smiled, "Good, I am off to meet the Queen and discuss issues surrounding this rumor of prophecies. You two head down to the Black Market to meet him"

I've been hearing that word a lot these days. Prophecies...wait meet who?

He spat and shook his head, "Tales of prophecies and dark forces, I don't know why the Queen allows herself to be fooled by people like Meroe"

I get slightly irritated with the way he addressed my dad but I quickly shook it off.

"It is most likely that the Lords of the Kingdoms would require the Queen to meet them in regards to all this." Ven brushed his face slowly with his hands "ensure nothing happens am I clear?"

The Imperials nodded calmly.

Without much a due he strolled away calmly.

I looked at Abu, "What'd you think he meant by dark forces?"

Of course, the bird couldn't answer but I was asking myself because I had a suspicion it was what Simona spoke about.

If that was true, did that mean...no, impossible.

I looked back quickly to see the Imperials split from Ven in the opposite direction at an intersection.

"Come on, let's check it out," I said firmly as I got up "follow those guards okay?" I whispered to the bird.

I let Abu take the lead as the Phoenix flapped off and I rushed to my room to pick 'The Hound'

It could come in handy.

I ran out of my house barely locking the door and soon I was weaving my way through people passing by in the Black Market. Smoke fumed out from outside cooking and the sounds of clanking could be heard as I bumped into people.

"Hey, Watch where you going?" Came annoyed voices which were the usual thing nowadays.

I hurriedly slid across walls and used the several ropes connecting the houses as a swing. Occasionally I had to pass through the open windows of houses.

"It's that boy again!" Came a shout.

I'm truly becoming infamous.

Moving at my speed I had to be careful not to bump into people or hit a seller's items. I needed to be effective and smart.

The music reached my ears as I moved and I looked to see that mummy again playing music nearby to a crowd of people.

As usual, his music was a necessity for me as I moved, it added a sort of boost to my mission.

I need a better view.

I ran on the bridge, "Where you at?" I whispered. There was no sight of the bird, I took out the medallion and focused.

Concentrating my thoughts into the whereabouts of the two guards and Abu. The medal glowed and a faint red light shot out into the far distance.

That's very far.

I sighed, "How am I supposed to reach there in time, come on think" I looked around. Royal people walked about calmly, there was no way they'd help me.

My eyes scanned the area fast.

Should I jump down?

I looked below me and gulped, the bridge was way too high, I'd undoubtedly break my legs.

A roar took my attention and I looked behind me to see a Pteroleon walk past me.
A lion with angelic wings behind it, there were many stories about its origins but they all came about during the Roman times.

Our eyes met for a while, it's ruby-like green eyes looked at me for a moment before moving on.

It looked young, it's white mane had just begun growing.

Chains were tightly fastened around its neck and the owner, a few meters ahead was busy talking to another Royal. No doubt he was either selling it or boasting.

I looked at the lion and crept slowly towards it, making sure the owner's attention was diverted.

Are you doing this Allan, seriously this has to be the worst ideas you've ever come up with.

It was a gamble, Pteroleons were very much like the lions in the human world, ferocious and carnivorous.

Though they were almost alike, Pteroleons for one had wings and even though they weren't as...smart as Phoenix, they were capable of learning.

The beast looked at me and growled, it's green eyes glowed. I rose my hand to show I meant no harm and hoped it understood the message.

"Easy boy" I whispered as I inched closer, a few more growls escaped but as it looked at me for a while, it stopped.

I noticed patches of fur missing on its side and understood why it wasn't resisting. Pteroleons though ferocious were very loving to their masters, especially if that master was loving to them.

This owner definitely wasn't.

I took a calm breath and stretched my arm at the huge chains. Riv had taught me magic spells but they were so exhausting but there was no time for complaints.

"I tell you this beast is stupid, it doesn't attack when I order it too or kill commoners that annoy me. It isn't worth a single penny." I heard the owner complain to his friend.

"What do you plan to do with it?" The friend asked completely oblivious of me.

"Either sell it or kill it, either way, I plan to get back the money I wasted on this trash"

"I thought they were supposed to be ferocious obeying beasts?"

"Well this one here must be rotten of the bunch," the owner said as he looked at the lion.

I quickly hid behind the lion and hoped he didn't notice but after a while, he went on.

"That was close" I whispered and returned to the beast's neck.

I focused on the chain and to my delight, the chains turned bright red and after a few more seconds, they snapped cleanly off.







FRIGHT SCHOOL BOOK 1 (COMPLETE) EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora