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ALLAN: "Hey Allan" Hub motioned with his head and I followed his direction and there he was, quite a distance away from where we stood.

I looked at my dad not too far away from the Queen.

He seemed sad about something and whatever he felt I could honestly care less but I could tell he was looking at me and looking away just as quickly.

''My children'' she said after a while in a calm voice, her voice was very relaxed, ''It has been too long, it is good to see that you are all thriving well''

Everyone looked at her intently, ''I am here to inform you that there is indeed a need for one of you to embark on this mission''

I was puzzled even more when my dad looked my way once more but this time he mouthed the words: sorry.


''As you know, relations between other kingdoms have always been in a questionable state, anything could put us back in the times of The Night War. What we are about to do has much more significance than people think, it also strengthens our bond with other Kingdoms. By doing this, at least we gain favor with the warlords and by uniting us we automatically become one with the whitewoods'' the Queen continued.

The realization began to dawn on me but why?

I gritted my teeth in anger as the Queen slowly turned to my area and pointed straight at me.

''Allan Meroe'' she said authoritatively and before I knew it Imperials were behind us.

Hub and Renal were just as astounded as I was, ''W-what?'' Hub blurted, everyone looked at me, murmuring and chattering began.

''Bring the boy!'' The Queen's voice thundered.

The Imperials grabbed hold of me and began taking me towards the Queen. My heart began pounding against my chest so loud I could hear.

Why me?

''W-wait!'' Renal began but Hub stopped him, everyone was well aware of one of the most important rules in the city-no one could talk back to the Queen, her word was law and it was unequivocal.

Was this Ven's doing? Did my dad know?

As I was led towards the golden road, I could sense the millions of eyes all looking at me, I could hear the whisperings, the judgemental looks.

Why was I called?

Various thoughts ran through my head until I was facing the very thing that made me lose my mother.


''Allan Meroe, you have been chosen to go to Moonsville'' The Queen said ''you are not to return until you do so, you are to train yourself, endure the harsh environments and develop your mental fortitude for the good of this kingdom ''

Why did she always win?

I glared at those golden eye-sockets, I clenched my fist and refusing to back down I yelled, ''No!''

Gasps followed in patterns.

To say everyone was in shock was an understatement.

Silence seemed even thicker now as I forced back my tears angrily.

How could she just throw me out of my home as if I had done a great crime as if I deserved to be exiled.

No, I wouldn't allow her to be satisfied, not after everything.

I won't satiate her happiness.

Everyone remained still, rooted in their spots, I noticed Hub and Renal open their mouth in shock.

The maids took several steps back, their face full of awe and fear at my defiance.

Hassan glared at me as he unsheathed his sword. It gleamed in emerald green and sang as he swung it about.

''Allan don't say another word'' I heard my dad yell as he ran towards me.

The Queen looked at me in fury, I could see it through her eyes, ''What did'' she started before I cut her off.

''I'm not going anywhere'' I said grimly never looking anywhere else but right back at her.

Without another second loose, I felt the blade resting on my neck.

''Know who you are talking to boy'' Hassan said, ''You are lucky I am the one here and not the other priests, they aren't as forgiving and lenient as I am''

I felt the cold blade as it began to press into my skin, ''Hassan stop!'' my dad yelled once he was directly beside the Priest.

''Your son needs to be taught manners Meroe'' Hassan said.

''Let go of my son Hassan'' Joseph said in anger, ''or I will make you let go''

I could feel the hot tears build up in my eyes but I still faced her.

Hassan laughed, ''You are a commendable opponent but I am a priest, we are leagues apart'' no one in the crowd dared rebel or talk, the air felt very different.

Joseph continued, ''We wouldn't know for sure till we try'' he threatened the priest, ''Now for the last time Hassan, let go of my son''

Two seconds passed but the blade remained, three seconds passed and Joseph proceeded to remove something from his robe.

The Imperials directed their weapons at him.

Four seconds passed and the blade was removed.

''As much as I'd like that, this mission I'm afraid is much too important to ruin'' Hassan said as he sheathed his sword back.

The Imperials resumed their original stationary position.

Joseph attempted to hold me, ''Are you alright?'' but I pushed him back.

''You knew about this didn't you?'' I hissed at him.

Joseph attempted to explain ''I don't want to hear it, of course, you'd roll over for her!'' I shouted, again I had spoken against the Queen, I had committed sacrilege.

"Allan, this is bigger than me or you'' Joseph explained.

I suddenly wanted to punch him so badly as I clenched my fist, ''You are saying that again?'' I said trembling with rage, ''Don't give me that bullshit that you told me when we lost mum!''

Joseph looked at me sadly.

The Queen looked at me for a while before she rose her arm and suddenly I felt a sudden powerful force of gravity hit me to the floor.

I crashed to the ground explosively spreading dirt and debris.

I tried to rise up but it was like a boulder was being pressed on my back.

My whole body ached in pain, I strained to stand up but it was futile, my strength was no match for whatever held me down.

''I am your Queen boy, none speaks to me unless I deem it'' she said in anger before she dropped her arm and the force against me vanished.

I couldn't stop my tears from falling as I lay on the ground, ''You will go to Moonsville and you will undergo training for the good of the land or I shall execute your father and friends for going against the crown'' the Queen threatened.

After a while, an Imperial picked me up, I felt too limp to object as the Queen went on, ''You are to leave in an hours' time and meet with a representative from Moonsville, I expect that you start getting your things ready Meroe. Know this, your city and Queen are grateful for your sacrifice''.

I suddenly heard Ven's voice, "This is a moment of celebration my people. Allan Meroe is the key and we must respect Our Queen's wishes"

I strained my head to see him eye me happily, "Rejoice, my people, rejoice"

The cheers began again.

And thus, my life ended.




FRIGHT SCHOOL BOOK 1 (COMPLETE) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now