KC... I mean APH!!!

Start bij het begin

Zane: No. Why?

Erin: Just a hunch. 

Aaron: Okayyy. 

Garroth: Fine bro, just sit down. Someone ask me a question now! 

Laurence: Okay, who do you like?

We all exchanged eye contact as if we were sending a secret code without Zane knowing.

Garroth: I like Kawaii~Chan!

Zane: WHAT?!?!?!?!

Garroth: Gotta problem baby brother

Zane: No! Of course not, WHY would I?

Garroth: I don't know, maybe because she's so cute and sexy, plus she makes the best food. I can't imagine how good she is in b-

Laurence: WAIT! I like Kawaii~Chan! You can't have her!

Garroth: *stands up over Laurence* OH YES I CAN!! *sticks out tongue* 

Laurence: No we cannot! Not acceptable! *stands up to face Garroth* 

Aaron: Guys, don't worry! I won't tell if you don't tell I like her too.

Zane: Hey stay away from her! One you have Aphmau all to yourself, two she's MINE. 

Garroth: Ooooh, so you do like her...

Zane: What? Uh, NO! Why- no- uh- GOODNIGHT!  *runs upstairs* 

Aaron: Hahahah. 

All of us laughed, but than we settled down. 

Laurence: I didn't know Zane felt that way about anyone.

Erin: He's not the only one.

Garroth: What does that mean?

Erin: Well I was over at Aph's when we saw Kawaii~Chan crawl through the window. She stared at us, HER MAIN SHIP, and didn't do anything. She than went upstairs so Aph went to comport her. She came down with mascara streaks all over her eyes and she was wearing Zane's sweater.

Garroth & Laurence: *gasp* 

Laurence: What if she's just cold

Aaron: But she kept mentioning Zane, and crying. 

Garroth: And the point is...?

Aaron: I think she likes Zane!! But she doesn't think he likes her. She thinks she's not pretty or special enough. 

Laurence: *gasp* WHAT? Even I'd date KC if I wasn't-

Garroth: *hits Laurence* SHUT IT.

Aaron: Huh?

Laurence & Garroth: NOTHING!

Aaron: Anyways-

Travis: *snores loudly* 

Aaron: Haha, same. I'm going to go to bed. *lays down* 

Garroth: Same. *lays down*

Laurence: I'm going to check on Zane. *runs upstairs*

Aaron: Okay, just hurry back!! 

Garroth: *snores LOUD*

aaron: Oh boy...

Garroth: *snores even louder*

Zane's POV

It got too tense in the room, all the questions against me. This was like at school when I'd get invited somewhere only because I could help with something or they'd get me alone and- beat me up. I hated when that happened, wait... OH NO, SCHOOL. That's like in two days!

Laurence: Z-Zane?

Zane: HUH? Laurence? *opens door* What do you want? 

Laurence: I wanted to check on you buddy. 

Zane: I'm not falling for this game. 

Laurence: And I'm not falling for yours.

Zane: Huh?

Laurence: The whole I-don't-like-KC-game. 

Zane: I- I don't know what your talking about.

Laurence: Oh come on. Your windows open, Aaron said KC came through the window when she was crying. You guys were obviously together. *smiles playfully*

Zane: What? N-no.

Laurence: Buddy, I know what happened. I saw the whole thing. 

Zane: WHAT?!?!

[Discontinued] Opposites Attract; Zane~Chan SoulmatesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu