Chapter sixteen: part two | January

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Patrick and I walked together through the snow and slush to Caitlyn's house. We had been hanging out with new people since we started dating and I was never to particular about my circle, since it changed too often. It was a gross day but we had to hangout or it would look bad.

"Hey, how's it going?" I said as we entered the time two bedroom apartment that Caitlyn and her mom lived in. "I know it's been forever since we saw each other last."

Brandy was there with her boyfriend and Caitlyn had a slew of girlfriends hanging out. "It has been forever! You guys should come by more often." We hugged and talked about life for a half hour.

"I think I'm pregnant," I confessed while Caitlyn did my hair.

She spun me around and smiled. "What did you just say?"

"I might be pregnant." I repeated myself.

She ran from her room and brought her mother back with her. "Tell her what you just told me."

I repeated myself for the third time and her mother seemed floored. "You're—" she gulped and released a deep breath. "You're pregnant?"

I nodded and she looked as though I had told her the world might end that day. "How do you know? Have you taken a test?"

"I haven't taken a test but I've been nauseous and moody."

Patrick heard my statement and added, "The moodiness is not new."

I glared in his direction and continued speaking to Caitlyn's Mom until she convinced me to walk with her to the store to buy a test. "I don't have any money."

"I'll pay for it, but you need to see a doctor if you are pregnant. If not it's just ten bucks, you can always pay me back later."

Caitlyn's mother and I dressed warmly and started our trek to the grocery store. We scaled the mountainous terrain of the parking lot outskirts and slid into the front entrance. We searched the store for the tests and purchased the cheapest one. We requested access to the bathroom and the employees begrudgingly allowed us to use them.

"What do you think it'll say?" Caitlyn's Mom asked as we leaned against various bathroom items and waited for the two minutes it suggested on the packaging.

"I don't know. I kinda hope it says positive because I've always wanted to be a mother but if it says negative that would be good so I can be a teenager for a while longer."

"Do you love Patrick enough to raise a child with him?"

"Yes." I answered without hesitation, because I knew he would do anything to make our lives work out. I knew he would be a great dad.

Her mother looked over my serious facial expression and looked at her watch. "It's time."

I lifted the stick off the sink counter and showed it to Caitlyn's Mom. "What does it say, I can't look." I thrusted it in her direction.

"It's positive."

When we arrived back at her apartment the group including Patrick was waiting for our arrival .

"What did it say?" Patrick asked as soon as I had my boots off.

"It was positive," I admitted.

He lifted me off the ground and spun me in circles. "Really? It really said positive?" He stopped spinning to put me down.

"You can't do that Patrick," Caitlyn interrupted.

I lowered my head thinking he might change his mind at anytime. "Yes."
He got to his knees and pressed his head against my stomach. "I'm going to be your daddy, little baby."

That reinforced my certainty in Patrick's position in my life. He would be a great father.

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