We're Over!: Part One Midorima Shintaro One-Shot (Smut/Lemon)

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You confined yourself at the very dark corner. Looked from left to right and around to see if someone is around. After you made it sure the area is clean and safe, you pulled out a comic out of your bag. Owh boy, you can’t exactly describe how excited you are. Especially it is a RiRen doujin (Rivaille x Eren).Owh good jesus of f*ckin blueberry tarts.

You squeal to yourself after reaching a page where you see where it all started. Rivaille had kissed Eren and that signals the beginning of the sexual happenings between the two. Seeing Rivalle take Eren’s clothes off turned you on. Why can’t Midorima do these things to you? Oh, right. He’s too busy jackin’ off with his notebooks and books. You roll your eyes inwardly and shake your head. No way Midorima can do that. He’s too reserved. Flipping another page, you almost jumped in your spot. Eren and Rivaille are now doing ‘it’; the yaoi stuff that you loved. Like Rivaille’s playing with Eren’s thing and preparing his entrance for penetration, goodness gracious. You’re secretly a fujoshi you see. And whenever you fangirl about yaoi couples doing it, Midorima always get irritated for some reason and you never knew why. Whenever you ask, he’d always throw that cold treatment at you again.

And of course, as a woman of dignity, you never stopped being a fujoshi just because your boyfriend doesn’t like it. You’re always up for a fight!

You let out yet another muffled yelp as Rivaille without any gentleness “entered” Eren, to which the uke cried out of pain, but a few more eager and fast paced “thrusts” he has pleasure written all over his face and every pore of his skin feels the never ending bliss of sensual work of his Corporal.

You almost let out an extremely high pitched squeal when Eren’s face is flushed as tomato and Rivaille has a mixed of concentration and pleasure painted on that always stoic face.Oh gosh, Rivaille could really be Midorima.

A little yelp escape you mouth once again when Rivaille was doing it “fast” and Eren “came” with a supposedly lustful scream. Rivaille, seeing that pleasured face and hearing that pleasured scream, came after too after a few “thrusts”.

The page where both of the lads cummed made you a bit wet at the downward area of your body. You were so turned on but at the same time annoyed because you know the only cure for that is your boyfriend Midorima who never ever thought of doing it with you. During times you two made out, he’d always be the first one to pull away before it was even heated. Sighing, you pulled another doujin out from your bag to read another Eren and Rivaille eroge comics. When you were about to haul out your hand from your bag, someone grab your wrist, stopping you from reading the doujin. You look up to see your boyfriend, Midorima.

Internally, you’re starting to freak out. Thinking how he would ashame you in the library and shouting things like how disgusting you are for reading such thing. Well you are not ashamed that you are a fujoshi but that fact that he might actually do shame you, makes you worry to the Nth power.

Making a face of a proud and strong warrior, you harshly pried away your wrist for his grip. “What do you want?” This might be one of the few times you can pull off a dominant aura in front of him. “I thought you’re having a “good time” with your notes and lots of books? Aren’t they the best?”

Midorima gave you that famous cold stare of his which made you nervous on what will he would do after. His grip on your wrist tightened that burned a bit as he raised your wrists to pin it on one of the walls you were sulking at. Slowly, you followed his height, stretching your legs to stand up. “M-Midorima…” you struggled under his grip but his hand firmly clutched onto your wrists. “H-Hey can you let go? You’re hurting me Midorima…” you begged, giving him pleading eyes. He just returned a frigid expression. It made you scared for a bit on what he’ll do to you next.

It looks weird but did you just see something different in his eyes? It’s not anger, not a questioning eyes… it’s different… “Oi Midorima!!!” This time you said it louder. “Let go of me now or else…”


“Or else what?” He cut you speech as he said the words dangerously near your ear. That didn’t helped you’re already wet buddy down “there”. “Midorima’s one hell of a sexy green head.” Bet your buddy down below screams those words.

You shift uncomfortably on your spot since Midorima was slowly pressing his body against yours. What’s worse is the contact of you two made your body soak itself even more. Inch by inch, Midorima’s face closed the distance between yours, his breath hitching the skin of your face. His eyes trailed down to your lips as he licks his own. You were surprised that he suddenly locked lips with you and didn’t know what to do afterwards. You were completely trapped by him. Two of his hands, pinning your wrists on the shelves while his legs kept yours apart. You can feel them shaking.

He then held both of your wrists with his right hand and his left, not so gently gripped your jaw, forcefully trying to make your mouth open. He successfully did and that made you gag a little with the pain and the sudden penetration of his tongue.

You might be fantasizing about this for like years and just a day ago, but the next words he said made your heart break and tears leaked out of your orbs…

“Is this the only thing you want, (y/n)?” he suddenly asks you after he pulls away from the deep kiss. Your heart fell after that. You were offended. What does he mean by that? That the only thing you want from the love of your life is pleasure? To be honest you do, but not only just for the pleasure. But only because you love him. And you wanted to do this with the one you love. And it is Midorima. He ignored the pained expression that appeared on your face after he released those words from his mouth that sent a dagger to your chest. Midorima took a few steps away from you as he picks up the doujin that you dropped on the floor.

“You’re this desperate to do “it” with me? What came to your mind? And even resorting to these kinds of garbage to release your frustration? I am disappointed in you, (y/n).” He threw the book to you as it hit you on your chest.

That line of him ticked something inside you, like switch. You charged towards him and punched him on his right cheek. It might be strong or he is just taken back as he fell to the floor, ass first. “Fine! That’s it! You did it! I can’t take this anymore! You’re doing nothing in this relationship! You’re not taking this seriously… no wait! Scratch that! You’re not taking this seriously at all!” You marched towards him and grabbed the doujin from his hand. “I’d rather marry this thing you call garbage and make love with it!” and threw the book, directly hitting his face.

Midorima looked taken aback after you yelled those words at him. Tears were pricking your eyes already so you didn’t care what he thought about you anymore. You just wanted to leave his sight. “We’re done!” you exclaim, ending the “relationship” you two had. In fact, it’s like you didn’t even feel like you were in a relationship. You look away from now what you call your “ex” and walked out of the library, not caring if several eyes were pasted on your back after hearing that commotion of you and Midorima by the corner.

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