My Thaaaang: Announcement

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So basically, I've been recent writing one-shots about the main characters ONLY. And have recently written a GOM Alternate Job Series thing.

So I've decided to give some love to ALMOST all the other characters I haven't written a one-shot yet!!!

*crowd cheers sfx*

So the plan is to upload it PER team.

The list goes like:


Fukui Kensuke (x)

Okamura Kenichi (x)

Wei Liu (x)


Yoshinori Susa (x)

Kosuke Wakamatsu (x)


Mibuchi Reo (x)

Hayama Kotaro (x)

Nebuya Eikichi (x)


Hayakawa Mitsuhiro

Shinya Nakamura

Yoshitaka Moriyama

Koji Kobori


Ootsubo Taisuke

Kimura Shinsuke


Mitobe Rinnosuke (x)

Furihata Kouki (x)

Koganei Shinji

I didn't include Kirisaki Daichi basically because I only had eyes for Hanamiya in there.

I don't know if I mentioned everyone though. I can't promise the order of the team I'll upload. Nor I can promise I could actually write for each character's mentioned.

But I guarantee that there would be atleast 2-3 characters for team would have their story ;)

Hope you'll be with me with this.

Comment at the name you want and the story made for that character might be dedicated to you. Remember to comment for ONLY ONE character!

Fukui is reserved for retardedinpajamas. Hehe ;)

Love you guys!

July 08, 2015

KNB OneShots/CreationsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant