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"Nice birdies" I whispered nervously as I stretched my legs towards the window. I saw for a quick second one vulture look at the window which I clung to for dear life and smile.

Yes, it smiled!

A large smirk formed on its beak and I was completely taken back but in the next flash the bird struck the wooden frames bolts and snap, it broke off...

...and I resumed my dive to the ground.

Stupid bird!

The fall though fast was quite long as well and of course it'd be, I was many feet above the ground. I never got used to it much like I expected to after watching those movies.

Falling is always different when it's the real deal.

My heart wouldn't stop beating rapidly and my brain raced as I looked everywhere and tried not to scream but I was clearly on the verge of losing it.

Don't be a baby Meroe, don't scream...figure it out of this mess.

My mouth was already open and I was trembling as the wind continued to hit against my face.

At the last moment, I spotted a bridge coming fast at me and I immediately knew what I had to do, it was the only card I had left to play. Straightening my body and positioning both my hands back like I was a plane I aimed for that bridge that at first looked like a line but kept expanding in size.

''Come on Allan'' I shouted to myself as I fell faster and faster.

I needed to be able to land on the bridge at the right time, if I didn't time the fall well, I'd fall over the edge.

Don't mess up, time your landing well.

I was definitely gambling here, there was a chance the spell wouldn't work but it was too late to change my mind.

I immediately stretched both my arms as far as wide apart as I could and focused. I knew that if I was unsuccessful then the life of the great Allan Meroe would be a treasured memory.

Using the Detrity would also be such a waste especially after all this.

To my delight sparks of orange aura burst through my palms and I stopped in mid-air slowly as if gravity had decided to treat me especially.

That feeling that you are flying can never become an ordinary one, I felt light as I watched everything slow down around me.

I took in a deep breath as it dawned on me that I narrowly escaped death, just another regular day.

I landed softly on the edge of a bridge and heaved a sigh of freedom.

A couple of pebbles rolled off the edge and fell down into the abyss of the city many feet below.

"That was close," I whispered as I calmed down. Breathing heavily I looked up to where I fell from and sure enough, my hunch was right, a tall tower almost triangular but with a roof now tiny from where I stood was before me.

So they've made another Royal house...need to factor that into my next plan if I ever try that stunt again.

I stepped down and just as I began to move, I heard, "Watch out!"

I would've been gravely injured if I didn't react in time, for a mere two seconds my body froze but like a candle lit in a cold room my brain began functioning.

I ducked in time as a golden carriage pulled by birds passed by.

"Watch where you going, boy!" The driver in the carriage fumed out in an annoyed tone "Stupid child!"

FRIGHT SCHOOL BOOK 1 (COMPLETE) EDITINGKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat