KimberlyWritesBooks presents Discovering Jesse: A Finding Everett One Shot

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Lizzie popped open the trunk, dumping the bag she held and gesturing for Jesse to do the same. He swung the backpack from his shoulders and into the car, taking the bag from Everett next. Once they were all secured in the car, Jesse tilted his head back and closed his eyes.

He could hear Everett and Lizzie talking in low tones from the front seat. Every so often Lizzie would giggle and he could hear the sound of Everett being whacked. It made Jesse smirk. Their relationship hadn't changed at all since high school. Seven years later and they were still a quirky, happy, blunt couple.

Jesse felt more relaxed than he had in a long time. While searching the world to find yourself was fun and exciting, it still had a lot to be desired. You didn't see your family for long periods of time. You got worn out from the constant interaction figuring out your next move. Yes, the life of a nomad had many perks. But sometimes coming back home for a well needed break was just what one needed.

And for Jesse, sitting in the back seat and listening to the playful bickering of his sister in law and brother, that would be a definite perk.

* * * * * * *

"Wake up, sleeping beauty."

Jesse blinked rapidly, feeling a finger poke him on the cheek and the words of a voice he hadn't expected. Feeling slightly disoriented, Jesse looked around and found Jeffrey going in for another poke on the face.

Slapping his hand away, Jesse unbuckled and slid from the backseat. "I didn't know you were going to be here! What's the occasion?"

"Oh, you know - my dorky little brother is back from his world excursion," Jeffrey teased. "I had to drop by and say hello." Leading Jesse into his childhood home, Jeffrey chattered on about some random things, things that probably weren't ground breaking, but Jesse appreciated the gesture all the same. A bit of normalcy as soon as he got home helped.

Entering the house, Jesse made a beeline for the curly haired woman standing to the side. "Hi, mom," he said with a tired smile, hugging her tightly. She returned it with a fierce hug of her own. "Kenya was cool," he tacked on, feeling her chuckle a little.

Denise pulled away, and held her sons face in her hands. "Well, it doesn't look like anyone tried to beat you up and you look like you've been eating properly. I'll take that as a win." Before he could say anything else, she turned him around and towards the stairs. "There will be plenty of time for chatting later. Go take a shower and get some sleep. We'll catch up in the morning, okay?"

Jesse mumbled something that could pass for agreement and followed his mother's orders. Twenty minutes later, Jesse collapsed into his bed, content, tired, and mostly importantly, home.

* * * * * * *

Waking up in the morning to the scent of coffee and waffles easily ranked in the top ten of Jesse's favorite things. Even if he'd traveled the world, coming home and feeling the warmth of his own childhood roots never ceased to bring a smile to his face.

Rubbing his face into the pillow, Jesse took a deep breath and released it, feeling himself relax into the mattress. Halfway rolling out of bed, Jesse stood and stretched. It felt really good to be back home.

Leaving his room, Jesse made his way down to the kitchen, where his family was waiting. Cole sat in his chair, silverware in both hands as he plowed through his waffles. Upon seeing Jesse enter the room, Cole leaped from his chair with a cry of joy and ran around the table, nearly bowling Jesse over. A spry eight years old, Cole had energy to spare and made no exception to showing it all off.

"I've been so excited to see you again!" Cole practically shouted, bouncing up and down. He grabbed Jesse's wrist with both his hands and tugged him along. "Sit here, sit here! This chair's next to mine!" After nearly shoving Jesse into the seat, Cole scrambled into his own, beaming up at his older brother.

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