"I just-what if one of us is next? I can't lose any of you." I shook my head, moving one of my hands to grab Scott's wrist as I stepped closer to him.

"You won't. There are eight of us and one of him, I think we can handle it."

"He walked in, killed nearly half the Alpha pack, then walked back out without blinking."

"I won't let anyone hurt you." 

"It's not me I'm worried about."

"I'll be fine. I have you to protect me." he teased, a smirk forming on his face.

I let a smile stretch across my mouth, a small laugh escaping as he pressed his forehead to mine.

"My huntress." he murmured, pressing a short kiss against my lips.  

"Most people would be upset if their girlfriend's family had been hunting their kind for a few thousand years, you know."


"I love you." I felt my grin widen as I saw his do the same, his hands pulling me closer.

"I love you too." He leaned back down, pressing his lips against mine again, this time for a longer kiss.

I reached up to wrap my arms around his neck, getting on my toes so neither of us had to reach so far.

"I should probably go." I pulled back slightly, opening my eyes again to look into his.

"Want me to walk you home?"

"I'll be alright."

"Of course you will."  

Laila's POV

"Are you ok?" Isaac questioned as he shut my bedroom door.

"I just saw two people get murdered by a mouthless axe man. I'm not ok."

He silently walked over and wrapped his arms around me, dropping his head to rest it against my shoulder.

"She was right behind me. I could've saved her."

"She had you in a choke-hold, you weren't moving. Hey, listen to me." He pulled back, gently grabbing my chin to tip my head back so I would look at him. "You did everything you could."

"That's what Kate meant, you know. She said I would have to choose who died. I chose them." I grumbled, burying my face into his neck.

"It was them or us."

"What do we do now?"

"We go back to doing whatever it is we do normally."

"So I'm supposed to go back to school and act like nothing happened?"

"I'm sorry."

I leaned back to look into his eyes, my eyebrows furrowing. "Why?"

"This is all my fault. I shouldn't have brought you into any of this."


"Please don't say it's not my fault. I nearly killed you, you've been held hostage and now I'm forcing you to lie."



"No. Ever since I found about the whole werewolf thing, you've been distant and I've had it. If it's your fault all this has happened, then it's my fault too."

"It isn't."

"How? How is it only your fault? I was the one that kept talking to you, even when I knew you had some big secret. I was the one that trusted Aiden and got Lydia and I kidnapped and I'm the one that wants to help you and your pack."

"You could get hurt."

"And so could you. I may not be a fighter and I definitely don't have claws and fangs but I want to help. Like it or not, I'm involved in this now. And I'd rather be able to do that without having to go behind your back."

"I'm just trying to protect you. You know that right?"

"I know and trust me, I love it. I'm ok with you protecting me, I'm ok with you looking out for me, I'm ok with all of that. But this, pushing me away and trying to keep me out of it, isn't protecting me."

"I know, I'm sorry. It's just, a lot's happening and everything's happening so fast and it's hard to make sure you're ok and keep up with school and try to survive the death grips of an Alpha pack, which I didn't even know existed until they started trying to kill us every chance they got." he rambled, finally letting out the stress that he'd had for weeks, if not months.

"It's ok. I get it." I soothed, reaching my hand up to grab his, tangling our fingers together.

"How are you always so understanding?"

"Because you're very understandable. Now, I want you listen to me for a second. You don't have to protect me all the time. It's not your job to take on everything at once. You're still human and you need a break."

"What kind of break?"

"The kind that involves doing nothing but lay around all day, no phone, no thinking about anything supernatural and tons and tons of sweets." I listed, my lips turning upward when the small smile formed on his face.

"Will you be there?"

"If you want me to."

"And when does that break happen?"

"Right now. Send your last texts because I'm taking away both of our phones."

Author's Note:

Some couple moments in this chapter! What do you think will happen next?

I'll see you in my next chapter. BYEEEEE!!!

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