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Sophie's POV

"Derek." a voice called, making all of us turn to the door.

I felt Scott's arm tighten around me as the Alphas walked in, pulling me into his side. I saw Lydia back up to kneel down next to Laila, who grabbed her hand.

"Your time's up. Make your choice."

"You know my choice." Derek snapped, standing up taller.

"I was hoping by now you would've changed your mind."

"Don't you see, Derek? Your pack's weak. None of them know a thing about control, all of them are too busy with their relationships to care about anything else. Is that what you want?" Kali questioned, gesturing around the room.

"I'd rather have them than a group of psychotics."

"That's too bad. Because all of them are dying tonight. Either you kill them or we do." Her eyes glanced over Derek's shoulder to Laila and Lydia, a smirk forming on her face as she realized who they were.

She looked over at the other Alphas, nodding her head. They all began to attack, Ennis going for Derek while the twins went for Erica and Scott. Kali walked straight towards Isaac as all of the wolves broke out of their chains, now fueled by the fear and anger the Alphas gave them.

I pulled out my bow, attempting to shoot at Kali, who only dodged it as if it was merely a bug flying too close.

Before I could load up another arrow, Ennis grabbed my bow, throwing it across the room before grabbing my throat and backing me up to the wall.

Derek and Bryn both got back up, starting towards him before the last Alpha stepped in between them.

"Any other tricks?" Ennis taunted, his grip tightening and closing off my air completely.

"Yeah. One more."

Stiles pulled out the wolfsbane sword, throwing it over to me so I could shove it into the Alpha's chest. I dropped back to the ground, my hand going to my aching throat as I coughed and tried to regain the lost oxygen.

"Everyone stop!" Kali yelled, the other Alphas listening and pausing which made the rest of them confused enough to stop as well.

I saw Kali push Laila and Lydia to the ground in front of her, both of them falling with what sounded like a painful drop. Kali walked over, grabbing my arm to drag me over to rest next to them. She turned to Stiles next as everyone froze, trying to figure out her plan.

Stiles soon landed next to Lydia, a groan escaping him as his head hit the floor. I glared up at Kali as she nearly strolled to stand in front of us. She then grabbed Laila by her jaw, making her stand back up.

She made Laila stand in front of her, wrapping her hand around her throat, her claws hovering over the skin.

"Wait!" Isaac stepped forward, Derek lifting his hand to call him off before he did something we'd all regret.

"Choose Derek. Her or Isaac." Kali demanded, her claws beginning to apply pressure.

Laila gasped, her hands flying up to Kali's wrist as her eyes flickered around the room, as if she was thinking about something.

"Don't touch her." Isaac growled, his hands balling up into fists.

"Kali." Aiden muttered in agreement, shaking his head.

I saw Laila staring off at something by the door, making me look over in the direction. I saw a pale man standing still, the area where his mouth should've been smooth. I didn't recognize him but his attention seemed drawn to Laila.

"You don't have to do this, Kali. Walk away." Laila gasped out, her eyes moving back to Kali.

"You don't understand any of this, do you?" Kali snapped back, laughing.

"I understand a lot more than you think. You're right. Someone's going to die tonight. Your next move decides who."

Kali lost her smile, confused at the change of tone in Laila's voice. To be honest, so was I.

"Grab the rest of them. We're killing them all!" Kali shouted as the twins walked over, one of them grabbing Lydia and Stiles while the other grabbed me. "You could've prevented all of this, Derek, if you would have just joined us."

"No, you could've prevented this." Laila muttered before her words cut off by Kali's hand tightening once again. 

Before Kali's claws could finish the job, the man threw what looked like an axe directly into her back. She dropped onto the floor, Laila barely avoiding being crushed underneath her. The twins pushed us away as they turned to face their new opponent.

I pushed myself back, bumping into Derek's leg as he crouched down next to me, neither of us sure of how to react to the new mystery man.

The man pulled the axe out of Kali's back before bringing it down on her again, this time fully killing her. The twins moved out of his way, grabbing each other's arms to prepare to morph together when he walked right by them to Ennis.

He pulled out the wolfsbane sword, moving it over a bit to lodge it into his heart, cutting the Alpha pack down by two in under a minute.

I felt Derek's arm moving to hover in front of me, ready to push me behind him as the man turned back to the room. The rest of the Alpha pack ran, understanding it was run or die at that moment.   

The man then walked over to the door, turning back to put his finger up to where his mouth should've been, telling us to stay quiet before he left.

Author's Note:

Two members of the Alpha pack are dead! What do you think will happen next?

I'll see you in my next chapter. BYEEEEE!!!!!

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