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Sophie's POV

"Scott?" I called quietly, hearing Isaac and Laila talking in the background.

My boyfriend was bent over the sink, his hands on either side to hold himself up.

"Scott?" I tried again, my hand reaching out to rest on his shoulder. "Are you ok?"

He slowly lifted his head, his eyes staring into the mirror. He opened his mouth to reveal his sharp fangs, more of the unhuman teeth in his mouth than normal. His eyes shifted to a golden color before they flickered to red.

"Scott?" another voice yelled as the door opened again.

Stiles came running in, towing along Erica. She seemed to be having the same problem as Scott, fighting off a shift.

"We have a problem."

"Isaac can't control it either." Laila added, her arms wrapping around herself to keep warm in her soaked clothes as she walked over with Isaac not far behind.

"They think there's a chance there's a virus in the school. What if the virus affects you guys differently?" Stiles pointed out, his hands moving around as he spoke.

I moved my hand to Scott's cheek, rubbing the skin there as he kept his head down. "We've got to got you guys somewhere safe. Somewhere you can't get out of."

"They won't let us leave the school, we can't call Derek either."

"Derek. The vault." Scott breathed, his head lifting and turning to look at me.

"We don't know where the vault is."

"He told us." Isaac explained, leaning against the wall. "The day we went to Deaton, he told us about the vault. It's under the school."

Laila's POV

"It's probably somewhere in this hallway." Stiles said, leading us downstairs towards the basement. "If there is actually a second entrance."

Sophie paused on the last stair, her eyes beginning to unfocus. Her knees buckled, sending her crashing into me.

I grabbed onto her waist, holding her up as everyone paused to look at her.

"It's happening to you too. It's going to happen to all of us, isn't it?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.

"We'll be fine. I feel completely normal." Stiles dismissed, lifting his hand up again.

His sleeve rolled up slightly at the movement, revealing what looked like a rash on the back of his hand.

"Or not."

"Laila? What about you? How do you feel?" Sophie asked, straightening up and moving to instead lean against the staircase.

"I feel fine."

"Guys." Scott interuppted, stood over by the wall.

He'd moved a few things out of the way to reveal a triskelion spiral on the way, another pattern in the center of it.

"It looks like it can be opened by claws."

Erica lifted her hand to show the claws at the tips of her fingers, stepping forward to push them into the center.

The wall began to move to the side, revealing a large room lined with shelves filled with various things.

Scott was the first one to take a step into the vault, Sophie's hand now gripped tightly in his. Once we'd all gotten inside the room, the door shut behind us, sealing with a thud that made me jump.

Sophie and Scott went to sit down on some boxes, Scott nearly falling onto it as Sophie tried to lower him down gently. Erica and Stiles didn't bother with finding an actual seat, just collapsing onto the floor.

Isaac sat down next to another box, leaning against the wall there. I moved to sit next to him, my hand moving to his shoulder. He rested his arms against his drawn up knees, his hand running through his hair.

"Are we safe here?" I questioned, looking around the large room.

"Hopefully." Scott muttered, his eyes moving over to Sophie.

I felt Isaac's head hit my shoulder, glancing over to see his eyes shut as my hand lifted to gently rub his cheek.

I let out a sigh, my head falling back to rest against the wall. This was going to be a long day.

Author's Note:

They found the vault! What do you think will happen next?

I'll see you in my next chapter. BYEEEE!!

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