Chapter 5: Time to work/Vision or dream?

Start from the beginning

(Emblem on the chest)

Yupia's outfit.

(Yupia's outfit is the orange one)

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(Yupia's outfit is the orange one)

Y/N: You ready Ruby?

Ruby: Actually were planning about it. Come in!

Y/N and Yupia entered to team RWBY's dorm with their new outfits. Yang whistled on Y/N's new outfit, and Weiss gave him a thumbs up.

Yang: I didn't know you have more outifts.

Weiss: That outfit very fits to you.

Y/N: Thank you Weiss and Yang. Anyways, everyone ready?

Ruby: Yep! Today the investigation begins!

Weiss: *sarcastically* I'm glad to see we're taking this so seriously.

Yang: Hey, we've got a plan! That's... moderately serious.

Y/N: Right, everyone remember their roles?

Weiss: Ruby and I will head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any other robberies or inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem.

Blake: The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning.

Yang: I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale. Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard...

Y/N: Me, Ace and Yupia will take care the rest. Everyone else knows your part.

Ruby:Great! We'll meet up tonight near Yang to go over what we found. Let's do this!

???: Yeah!

Everyone looks at the source of the voice and they saw Sun hanging upside down.

Blake: Sun!

Yupia: How did you get up here?

Y/N: Wait..... Monkey dude!

Sun: Hey don't call me that!

Y/N: Anyways, what are you doing here Sun?

Sun: We are getting back to the torchwick guy?

Blake: We are going to investigate the situation... as a team.

Y/N: Sorry Sun, We don't want more people to get involved.

Sun: Psh! That's dumb! We should always get people involved! That's why I brought Neptune!

Y/N and the rest looks at the window and they saw Neptune standing in the ledge.

Neptune: Sup?

Yupia: Really Sun?

Y/N: How do you even get up here?

Neptune: I have my ways. Seriously though, can I come in? We're like, really high up right now.

Ruby: Alright, I'll go with Weiss; Sun, you can go with Blake.And Neptune, you can go with Yang since she doesn't have a partner. Everyone good?

Y/N: One more thing. Neptune and Sun, friendly reminder to both of you, if you lay a finger to my girls.

Lightning starts surrounding on Y/N.

Y/N: You will be served in a silver platter. Understood?

Sun and Neptune nodded fearfully. They all know they don't wanna see Y/N loses his s#it.

Y/N: Good. Alright, let's move out.

*Small time skip brought to you by Y/N giving Sun and Neptune a deadly glare*

No one POV

Y/N is with Ace and Yupia are on their way to their destination. As they were traveling, Yupia broke the silence.

Yupia: Hey Y/N I have a question.

Y/N looks at Yupia confused and concerned.

Y/N: What is it Yupia?

Author: Warning, this conversation is another foreshadowing! Be warned!

Yupia: What happens when the protector falls?

Y/N sighed at this and said:

Y/N: The pillars will collapse in shame, there will be no rest, no love, there will be no hero in the end who will rise above. The light will sink in darkness and misery and pain for all. That will happen when the protector falls.

Yupia was silent at his answer, knowing that this is very deep.

Yupia: What will be your first reaction when one of your loved ones die in front of you?

Y/N stops on his tracks and looks at Yupia.

Y/N: Why are you bringing this up Yupia?

Yupia: Because Y/N....... I.... I was dreaming that everyone died on beacon.

Y/N hugs Yupia. Deep inside Y/N, something's isn't right. He already knew that something bad will happen anytime.

Y/N: It's just a dream Yupia, don't worry. *thoughts* I'm very sure that this wasn't a simply a dream.

-End chapter.

Author: Sorry guys if this is a short chapter. Don't worry, I will make it longer on the next chapters and always stay tuned! Balasubas 19 signing out.

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