On My Mind

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"we're going home." I tell Neko as  Junie and I join everyone back in the living room.

"You're finished with Junie?"

"She's coming with us."

"Oh." He looks in my direction, confusion written on his face.

"My parents created a block for my powers. We're hoping she can do the same with her." Everyone nods in unison. "So we're leaving."

"Alright, when?" Angels voice carries over the pack.

"Right now." I say, motioning to my packed bag.

I hear Angel mumble something to Jeff and he nods. "Ya, we'll come too."

"There's no need." I say. "Neko and I can take care of it."

"Her." Neko mumbles. I look sharply at him even though he can't see my look. Is he trying to pick a fight with me?

"He's not." I look down at Junie beside me.


"He's not trying to pick a fight with you. He just meant that you guys would take care of me and that I'm not an it." My face turns red. "But I know that's not what you meant. You just meant that you would take care of 'it' as in getting me to your parents and putting a block on my abilities."

"Right." I glance at Neko. His face is a shade redder as well. "Junie, do you think you could tone down the mind reading for now and just not say anything about the thoughts you hear in our head?" I whisper quietly to her but a few people hear and snicker.

She shrugs. "I'll try."

"Excellent. So anyway, we're leaving. Thank you all for your hospitality and your help in saving Neko and I. We both really appreciate it. If there's anything I can do, just send me a message."

The pack smiles at me. "Sure thing, Mandy." Ray voices for the whole pack.

I hoist my bag onto my shoulder as Junie picks up her small bag as well. Neko falls into step behind me and then both Angel and Jeff as well.

As soon as we're out of the packs lair, I hear four sighs of relief. I turn around to look at them. "What's all that about?" I ask Jeff and Angel.

"We were only there because we were waiting for you. If it's cool with you, we're going to split now, see the country, explore."

"Of course." I say, surprised but understanding at the same time. "Thank you both."

Jeff dawns his goofy grin and envelops me in a hug. "I'll miss you, Mandy. Thank you, for starting me down a new path." I feel a quick kiss on my cheek before he retreats back beside Angel who stares at him with threatening eyes. He grins sheepishly.

"I'll miss you too, Beast." She says, surprising me as she too envelops me in a hug. "Don't expect me to kiss you though."

"Of course not." I laugh as she returns to Jeff's side.

They both then turn to Neko.

"It's nice to meet you, bro. Take care of her. She can be a challenge." Jeff and Neko exchange an awkward handshake.  Jeff then turns to Junie and ruffles her hair. "Nice getting to know you squirt."

Junie actually smiles. "I know." Jeff laughs and takes a step back, letting Angel say her goodbyes.

Angel actually hugs Neko, causing him to flinch at her arms around him. "Thanks for introducing me to the human side of me. I'll miss you too."

Neko awkwardly goes to pat her back but she recedes before he can.

"And I'm glad I got to meet you too, Junie." Angel gives Junie a sad smile which Junie returns, nodding as if in understanding.

"Thanks for not killing me when we first met."

Angels face goes bright red and then she shakes her head, laughing lightly. "No problem, kid."

We all wave to each other and then, my two terrible teachers, and even better friends, dissappear into the Rome streets.

I feel Junie take my hand. "You'll see them again." She whispers. "After they've crossed the ocean And back again." Let me guess. Another one of her abilities. "Ya." She just knows, just like that? "Ya."

I sigh. "You're sure you want to block all of these powers? Won't you miss any of them?"

"They do more harm than good."

"Maybe if you learned to control them then you could do more good than harm."

"You want to teach me?" She looks pointedly at me as a spark emits from her hand onto mine.

I jump back, away from her and into Neko. He grabs me and steadies me as I cradle my shocked hand. Geesh that hurt.

"Sorry." Junie truly does look sorry, shoving her hands in her pockets and looking down at the side walk.

"Let's just get going." I say, taking Neko's hand and then hesitantly offering the other to Junie. She takes it and we head off down the street. To any passerby that might be able to see us, we look like a happy little family.

But we aren't. Far from it.


"Yes, Junie."

"Why are you and Neko mad at each other." My eyes widen and I feel Neko's hand tense in my own.

"Why would you think that?"

"It's just a feeling."

"I assume that with you, a feeling, is more than just a feeling."

"Ya, probably."

"Well..." I don't have anything else to say. Truthfully… I don't know. Am I mad at Neko?

Junie giggles.

"What's so funny." Neko snaps. I grip his hand tightly in warning. He pulls his hand free of mine altogether.

"It's just that you both are thinking the same thing. It's just funny is all."

I look over at Neko. His head is bent down as if he is looking at his shoes. As if.

I give a frustrated sigh. I can't think about this right now. Not with Junie here, hearing everything in my head.


"I know, Junie. Just let it be for now. Let's catch a bus to London or something."

I take a last glance at Neko, following in our footsteps, before turning back around.

This is ridiculous.

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