Jamie and Hot Avocados

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"Order number 623? Uhm...Matthew?"

A younger gentlemen came up to the counter, thanking me as he grabbed his coffee; black, no sugar. He said a quiet thanks and walked out. Head kept down the entire time.

"Excuse me? I'm ready to order." An older lady with white-grey hair said.

"Of course. What will you have?" I asked. Stepping up to the cash register and holding up a notepad.

"Uhm...a...milkshake...no...coffee... Uhm...black; no sugar. No wait! Yes sugar."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance as she continued to fumble through her words. But then I caught myself, I didn't want to be this hard and heartless. This is just a poor sweet old lady. 'Be nice.' I grumbled at myself.

"You know what? Can I just have your special?"

I gave her a smile, the best I could muster. " One peppermint cappuccino?"


"Anything else, Ms?"

"No. That's it." She nodded as if trying to be sure of herself.

"That will be $2.42. Can I get a name?"

"Uhm....Mary." I smiled sweetly, knowing she had just given a fake name. It made no difference obviously. It just made me wonder what made her so secretive."

"Jeff! Order! Here!" I held my hand behind me as I took 'Marys' money and gave her back change.

"Hot Avocado, Jamie."

I chuckled. I was still getting used to Jamie being my name in here. And not only that, but Jeff's unusual way with words. 'Hot avocado' was his latest in 'trendy phrases'.

He was back in under a minute with 'Marys' peppermint cappuccino. "Here you go you lovely lady." Jeff said, presenting her cup to her.

She blushed before taking her cappuccino. Then she scurried her way out of the shop.

"Speaking of lovely ladies...." Jeff said, coming up behind me and placing his hands around me and on my stomach.

"Jeff, honey. We've been over this." I pried his hands off my stomach and gently pushed him away. "I'm going on break."

"I'm here when you want me. Sweetcheeks." He raised an eyebrow and grinned at me before taking my place at the register.

I just shook my head as I unwound the apron from my waist. Hanging it on a peg, I brushed off my jeans and headed out the door.

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