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Dinner time Neko!"

"What did you do to her?" My voice dripped with anger and anxiety. Mandy was all i could think about, even when my growling stomach sensed the food they had slid before me.


"Mandy! What did you do to Mandy! I can't hear her anymore!"

"I don't know who you're talking about, Neko."

"Kevin, I swear to God. If you don't-"

"Swearing to God? You? I thought you had become a little religious over these few months." It definitely hadn't been just a 'few months,' but that wasn't the point right now. 


"Whoa whoa whoa. Temper temper." Even with these dead eyes i could tell he was grinning. Finally, he giggled and said, "Fine, I'll tell you lover boy. Mandy is dead." 

My heart fragmented into a million pieces. "No..." It wasn't true. It couldn't be. 

Kevin erupted in laughter. "Oh my God. You should have seen your face just now. It looked like you just saw her die and that was honestly priceless. I'm literally messing with you though. She's just dreaming. A rather nice dream though, i must say. I created it for her myself. Its like its you....but its not you. It's someone better. Oh! And I even put in a cat! So it doesn't really mess with her memories that much and she won't want to wake up, which causes a lot of problems on our end."

"Why." The dread was killing me. Why would he be doing this. What was he doing to her. Why wouldn't he want her awake?

"But why not?" was all the reply he gave me. 

"Kevin..." My voice was faltering. All of my anger had ceased. Emotions were merging and verging and surging. 

"We just need to figure out how to make our own, Neko. Don't worry about it."

I heard footsteps as he walked away. The door clanged shut and everything was silent once more. No screams. No Mandy. No Kevin. Nothing.

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