Surprise and Fries

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"Jeff? What the heck are you doing?" I finally get my words out.

He flinches, turning around to look at me. "Oh sh- uhm...I mean....Jamie! Hi! You're back early!"

His husky ears catch my attention. He notices me looking. "Oh these? Heh heh. Just...glued them on earlier for your surprise..."


"Surprise!" Jeff shouts and then launches into a song he seems to have wrote himself. "I got you a surprise! A surprise! A surprise! I got you a surprise and it comes with fries! Oh I didn't really know what you'd want...but I kind of went on the hunt.... And ...I... a surprise, a surprise, a surprise. I got you a surprise and it comes with fries! I really hope nothing cries! Cause this is your surprise, your surprise, your surprise!!!!!"

I blinked a couple times to make sure I was really awake....

"Uhm...Jeff? You realize something's burning right?" I could most definitely smell something burning. Probably the chocolate I had been so keen on following.

"Oh shi-kes" Jeff flung his guitar to the ground and took off toward the kitchen just as Angel stepped through the door.

"Did I just..."

"Don't question it, Angel."

"Wasn't gonna, Beast." I rolled my eyes.

"Do me a favor. Lock up on your way out. I need to talk to Jeff."

"Aye, Aye Captain." Angel heads out as I shake my head after her. Was it something new, or had she always been that mocking and sarcastic? Maybe I was just now taking it for what it was. She used to be the Big Cat around here. Now that's me.

I pushed open the swinging door to the kitchen and found Jeff scraping the bottom of a pot.

"Burn it?" I ask, noticing his hat had acquired the place on top of his head again. The realization that he always wore a hat didn't hit me until now. Glued his husky ears on...ya right.

He shrugged, keeping his face away from me. I rolled my eyes. Hope I didn't hurt the poor boys feelings.

"Alright Jeff. You tell me what you are, who you're working for, what was in the chocolate to knock me out, and where you were going to take me after I was knocked out and I won't kill you."

His head snapped around to look at me. "What are you taking about?"

"Take the hat off."

"What? favorite hat."

"Whoever the heck you are, take it off." His response was to grip the edges and pull it down harder. "Now, Jeff."

There must have been something in my eyes telling him I was serious, because next thing I know his hat is off and he's standing in front of me, eyes closed, ready to be eliminated. Or at the very least, smacked.

"Who are you?" I ask as I reach out toward his fluffy husky ears.

"We don't have names. Just The Guardians."

"But your name is Jeff then."

He nods. "It is what I have begun calling myself upon needing a name."

"So what do you do?"

He opens his eyes to look at me. He seems curious as to why I'm asking questions and not killing him instead. "My job demanded my skills to protect those that were of importance to The Cat Society. With the Cats gone, I am worthless and so have melded into human society."

"You can turn husky?" Another curious nod. "Will you teach me?"

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