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We had the place surrounded. Kyle had produced very useful ear pieces which enabled us to talk to each other within 40  paces from each other. It wasn't as much as I hoped, yes, but it was something.

The pack had spread out into their stationed areas and were awaiting Jeffs commands to initiate the plan. The plan. Jeff. No, the plan. Yes, the plan.

I could see him now. Not more than 10 paces away. Crouching behing a trash can. I closed my eyes. What was happening to me.

"Angel." I looked into his face as I heard my name. He nodded to me from across the street. That was my sign. I had to go.

I nodded back and then sprung up and onto a fire escape. I flung my body up and onto the roof, nimbly racing across the top of the building and then out into open air. Gracefully, I landed on the building across the street. I glanced at my surroundings quickly, taking note of skylights, and possible entrances. The only one I saw big enough for me that wouldn't attract attention was a vent.

"Kyle where does this vent go."

"It actually shoots straight down into the basement. I don't have any cameras down their so I can't tell you whats down their." His tired voice shoots directly into my ear.

"All I needed to know. Boys?" I heard an alomst silent whizzing go by my head. I jumped for the vent as the cover comes off and into my hands. "Thanks."

I climbed carefully into the vent and free falled.

"Be careful, Angel." Jeff's voice is in my ear.

"Always am."


I watched her disappear from sight. My heart seemed to shatter as I thought that that might have been the last time I ever see her alive.

I shake my head. Don't think like that. The Plan. What comes next.

"Kyle, which pack is clear for a go."

"Pack 3 and 5 are a go." his small voice says.

"You heard him. Pack 3 and 5, head out. Cause as much of a distraction as possible. Don't make it obvious."


I sighed. Time for my job.

"Kyle, you know what to do. "

"Copy that, good luck."


The basement was pitch black. I growled quietly. Of course, it would be.

I felt something in the dark. I didn't hear it. I couldn't smell it. And seeing was not an option in this pitch black atmosphere.

I tensed. Did they have a guard down here?

Something that could see in the dark?

Or that didn't need to see....

"Neko?" I whispered, just before I am knocked forcefully into the ground.

I hear an almost silent sniffing sound coming from the person pinning me to the floor. "Angel?" It whispered back.

"Neko, am I glad to hear your voice. Are you ok? Where are we?" I let out a rush of questions.

A hand covered my mouth.

"We're not alone, Angel. Quiet."

I held back a whimper.

"Follow me." He whispered.

"How? I can't see anything." I whispered as quietly as I could.

He grabbed my hand.

"This way."

"But there's a way out. This vent lead directly to the roof."

He hesitated. "Has Mandy been rescued?"

It was my turn to hesitate, "Well.. no.. but-"

"Then I'm not going."

I only nodded, knowing he couldn't see it anyway, and followed.

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