To You

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Another face slams into my outstretched fist. Teeth cut into my knuckles and my blood drips to the floor.

I pray that Mandy is safe and that Angel is getting her out. I can only hope that nothing bad has happened to her, that I will see her soon... Touch her. Love her.

Another skull cracks against my elbow, earning a painful shriek. I don't have the ability to care for them anymore. He took that away from me. He took Mandy, everything.

As my foot smashes into another chest, and his body hits the cold floor, everything goes quiet. All I can hear is the suits stuttered breathing and distant howls. I wait for a sign that not everyone is unconscious yet, but I receive none.

That was easier than I thought.

I lunge at the ceiling and grab hold of the trap door. Pulling myself up, I kick open the door and fly out onto the other side. Cold, tiled floor meets my bare feet. I am in one of the many hallways.

I freeze, gathering every minute detail I can from my surroundings. Behind me is the sound of howling and screams. Ahead of me lies only silence.

I begin to take a step down the hall when I hear a door creak open, way down the hall. Footsteps come running my direction. I lunge at the ceiling and grab hold of whatever I can find. Ceiling tiles groan against my weight but hold, for now.

The footsteps race beneath me and down the hall. I drop back to the floor and listen again.


But there is something else. A smell. Familiar and yet....different. I take another deep breath, letting the smell linger in my nostrils.

Mandy.... I take off down the hall, leaving the howls and screams behind.


I have abandoned my job.

My one and only job.

Find Neko.

Find Mandy.

Get out.

But when I emerged through that trap door in the hall all I could hear was Jeff screaming. The sound of his voice echos in my head as I run down the hall.

Towards the screams.

Towards the howls.

Towards him.


The sounds of howls and screams fill my ears as I step out in the hall. Fear grips my heart.



No no no no no.

I take off down the hallway. Growing closer and closer to the the screams.

I shouldn't have let her come today.

She begged me.

But I should have said no.

I should have made her stay home with her mom.

Where she would be safe.

I see an open trap door in the middle of the hall as I run down it. I barely notice the black cat clinging to the ceiling above it.

I don't even reach for my walkie to tell them I found him, to tell the suits and scientists to get that cat back in a cage.

All I can think about is her.

Another shriek reaches my ears.


My little girl.

In the hands of monsters.

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