Sapphire Blue

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"Alright, I'll let you choose this time. The blue serum or the green?" I could barely see him through the tears that burned in my eyes.

"No more." I moaned, hurting at the thought. 

"Ahug!" I tried to close my ears as i heard Neko get slammed against a wall again. 

"That's ok, honey. We can stop. We'll take a break and listen to-"

"No! No..." I took a shuddered breath before getting out, "The green, I want the green one."

"Ah.... Good choice. I enjoy the green serum sometimes myself. Though... I never actually use it on myself...."

I forced myself to be brave and stare at him as he drew the green liquid into a syringe.  " What happened to you."

He glanced at me. "Whats that?"

"What happened to you to make you this way."

"Oh honey, let's not go getting distracted with that shall we?" Kevin chuckled, flicking the needle once like they do in the movies. I have no idea what it does. I'm not actually a doctor as you know.

"Tell me."

He laughed. "You aren't really in the place to be making demands there, are you sweetie pie?" 

I stared at him, unnerved as he lined the needle up with another vein that he had yet to poke. 

"Well, I guess I'll tell you. You're an awfully nice girl."

I waited for him to continuing, flinching only slightly as I felt the prick of the needle and then a warm...drowsy feeling spreading through my body.

"It all started on December 22nd at 3:31 pm in a corner office in New Zeland. My boss called me a few choice words and slammed the door in my face, forcing me to look for work elsewhere. So I moved to England, and then London and then finally Rome; where I fell in love with a beautiful... gorgeous lady. Her name.... well she didn't have one. But, I loved her eyes, sapphire blue. And so that's what I called her."


Kevin turned to glare at the guard, standing nearby. "Did I ask you to participate in this conversation?"

"N-n-n-no sir.... Sorry, sir." He inclined his head and stared at the floor. 

"I called her Blue." 

I saw what looked almost like sorrow in his eyes, but with this 'la-la' feeling I was having, I couldn't quite be sure. 

"I struggled my way into her heart. I really did. She fell in love with me finally even if it was just as her 'little pet'. I took it and raced my way up through her ranks. She was a mass producer in pharmacy drugs. But one day, she took me to the part of the factory where only a chosen few were allowed to go. I was pretty excited, as you can probably imagine. She trusted me. My Blue trusted me."

I was suddenly feeling light headed and yawning uncontrollably. I could feel my heart speeding up, trying to get rid of all the excess air it was gaining. 

"And here it turned out that the pharmacy was just a cover up. She actually ran a genetics lab. One in which they were trying to splice together genes to make a super human. So far the only thing that even resembled humans was some kind of hamster looking thing. But they weren't very pleased with the hamster powers, if you know what I mean. They needed my help. And I felt honored because I was helping my Blue. Summer came and went. Years came and went. And I was still just her 'little pet'. But I felt I was slipping my way into her heart little by little. Especially the night of the New Years Party where she let me kiss her." 

He looked so happy, reliving that moment. Tremors were starting to erupt randomly through my limbs. Kevin didn't seem to notice. 

"But with New Years came new beginnings. And I... I was not part of her New Begining. He was. He had wormed his way into her evil little selfish heart. They had a child. An experimented child that they didn't love. But then they did... And they took her, and all of my work. And what was I left with? What?!... Nothing. I was left with nothing."

I attempted a glance around at the guards and saw their sympathetic faces. Something seemed familiar but... I couldn't... i just couldn't.... My head was rolling from side to side now and I knew I was on the verge of passing out. 

Kevin grinned down at me and said, "Psych. I was born in a lab." Just as my eyelids fluttered closed. 

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