Super Hero

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I left the house early in the morning to catch the bus to the city. I waved to Mike and got off at the library. I was meeting Adrian here, where we first met. He asked me to meet him here and then we'd walk to the coffee shop where we had exchanged numbers. And then he would drive me to his house. It was all so sweet and so immensely cute that I could barely contain my happiness. My heart felt like it might explode.


I hiccuped with excitement at the sound of his voice.

"Hey cutie." he planted a gentle kiss on my cheek before taking my hand.

"Hi Adrian." I looked at him endearingly. How did I manage to get this lucky?

We walked hand in hand up the library steps, talking all the way. He was telling me about the bet he had made with his father about the economic status of the city. Gosh, he was so cute. Even when I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Did you want to look at a specific book?" I asked as we walked in through the library doors.

"To tell you the truth, the day I bumped into you was the first day I had ever been in here."

I stared at him, shocked. "How come?"

"Honestly, I saw you walking down the street and I followed you into the library."

I giggled, "Really?" He nodded and I blushed. "Then why was I the one following you to the coffee shop?"

He looked at me surprised, " You followed me to the coffee shop?"

I nodded, blushing a deep red.

"I thought you were annoyed with me when I bumped into you, so I left right after that. I thought it was pure luck that you happened to be at that coffee shop and so I decided to try one more time to get to know you."

"I was so shocked at your beauty that I couldn't speak when I first saw you." I laughed.

He started laughing too.

A librain looked at us sharply and shushed us so we quickly left the library, still laughing.

"Hot chocolate for my lady?" Adrian asked me as we arrived in front of the coffee shop, still giggling ever so often.

I nodded enthusiastically.

"I'll be right back, you wait out here." He took my hand and kissed it before smiling and entering the coffee shop.

I sat on a bench, still laughing about what we had learned. I can't believe that he had followed me. And I thought I was the stalker. I shook my head. Laughing again.

A small black cat came around the corner on the other side of the street. I watched it with a smile on my face. Suddenly it stopped and seemed to stare directly at me. My heart lurched. Why did it look so familar? I got up and began walking catiously toward it, not wanting it to get scared and run off. It was still watching me with what looked close to an evil grin now. I stopped walking and tilted my head at it. It sat down and seemed to smirk at me.

I was about to walk toward it again when I was lifted off my feet and roughly forced to the ground. My senses came rushing back, though I had no knowledge of losing them. A bus's horn blared as it went past and I stared up into the face of a very worried Adrian.

"Mandy are you ok? What were you doing out in the middle of the street? That bus could have killed you!"

Tears started to come to my eyes. "Oh, oh Mandy. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. I was just really scared. I'm really worried about you. You keep zoning out. I don't want you to get hurt."

He looked up and down the street before easily picking me up. He carried me to the sidewalk and then put his hands on my shoulders, staring sincerely into my eyes. "Are you ok, Mandy?"

I nodded, letting a tear escape and run down my cheek. He gently wiped it away and asked, "would it be ok if we went to my house now?" I nodded again, noticing two cups of over turned hot chocloate in the street. Another car when by and they were both crushed.

"Thank you." I whispered, wiping at the tears. He shook his head. "No really, it's like you're my own personal super hero." He smiled a little at that and took my hand, leading me to his car.

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