Side Swept

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"Just take it all off."

"What? No honey, I can't do that. Your hair is too precious."

"Ma'am. It's my hair. I need a change, and a big one. I'm...hiding from my ex boyfriend."

"Well honey, let me tell you something. I can make you look brand new while keeping your hair long and gorgeous."

"Fine, whatever you want. Just make sure I look different. I'm not paying you until I do."

She tsk-tsked me and then turned me in the chair so that I faced her. I closed my eyes and sunk into the darkness.

Cats. Dogs. And apparently hamsters. Those were the obvious ones. I definitely had those. I could fly, or float as mom and dad said - Somehow. Supersonic hearing - I experienced that just this morning. Overheard a conversation I wasn't too keen on hearing actually. Flexibility- That is pretty nice and actually really useful.

Alright. So, I'm assuming that I can change into these animals similar to how The Black Cats and Watch Dogs can turn into their respective animals. But how? Do I just think it and it happens? Considering my previous attempts, I'm sure it has to be more than that.

I opened my eyes to see how she was doing. Rolling my eyes before closing them again, I continued my list. Ok, so...flying and increased hearing and flexibility... so probably better smelling? Or eyesight.... That would be useful.

"Can you tilt your chin up for me, please?" Her warm finger put gentle pressure on my chin. I did as she asked without opening my eyes, trying to add to my list.

Probably strength. I mean, Angel did say I was stronger than her that one time I caught her in the library. But that hasn't happened since. I feel just as weak as I normally do. I guess it could be a situation triggering thing- like what happened with the Suits... Which reminds me... what would I call the whole "not being able to look at me to the point that it hurts if you do" thing? Where would I even pick that up from? What animal has that?... Well maybe it's one we haven't discovered because we literally can't look at it without hurting...

"Almost done here, just need to put your chin to your chest for me, please." I did as she said again, considering all the animals in the world that had yet to be discovered.

Maybe I just need to go and actually observe animals, like... become them mentally before I am able to physically become them. I don't know if that makes a whole lot of sense actually. It's not like I was "becoming" a different animal when the hearing or flexibility thing kicked in.

"Ok, honey."

I looked up and into the mirror. My big, round, color changing eyes peered back at me. They were mixing into a blue green now, but this morning they had been a deep brown.

I turned my head side to side and stared at my new look. It was....alright to be honest. The girl in the mirror looked...pretty hot actually, with her side swept bangs.

I reached up and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Honey, I don't know what you put in your hair, but it's like fur. Like cat fur. Softest thing I have ever felt. It was a shame cutting off as much as I did, but you look new. And that's what you wanted, right?"

I pushed a lock of hair behind my ear and then flipped my bangs with a shake of my head.

Smiling, I looked at her in the mirror. "You did well."

She gave a sigh of relief and smiled, undoing the clasp on the hair bib she had made me wear.

I shook out my hair and then held out a twenty to her. "Thank you. I highly recommend you." That got a cheeky grin out of her.

"Thank you, dear."

"Have a good day." I said, waving as I exited the shop. I flipped my hair again, bangs flying in the wind. I smirked as I passed my reflection in a shop window.

"Dang, I'm hot."

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