The Importance of a Time Bomb

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They took her. She's gone again and I couldn't do anything.

I couldn't even watch her go.

I'm useless. I'm...completely useless now. 


They took me. There was nothing I could do. I couldn't stay with him, I couldn't protect him. He looked so sad, so confused, so hurt. And I had to watch him.

Their grip on my arms stung as they dragged me down the hall. I hung limp and let my feet drag. I could tell I was already wearing them out. I searched through my training and tried to find something I could efficiently use to escape, to go get Neko, to get out of here. 

Obviously, I could turn into a mouse of some sort and get away. But they would probably be planning for that. Maybe a.... snake? A worm? That would be funny....I snorted, earning a look from both of my guards. Might as well turn into a loin. 


Kevin laughed farther up ahead as I changed back into myself. How did I just...

"That's the perk of being an evil genius, my dear. I mixed up a concoction just for you. Whatever you want to turn into, it mixes up the chromosomes so that you're actually just hurting yourself. If you turn into a cat, you actually might be turning into a fly. And that doesn't help you much does it?  Whatever dangerous animal you think up, you're actually just going to flip to something tiny. Oh, and did I mention that if you do that one too many times you might explode? It's not very pretty actually.... It was a lot to clean up wasn't it boys?" My guards grimaced and nodded causing Kevin to laugh. " Let's just say I'm running out of Cats to test it on...."

"What did you do to Nekos sight?"

" oh... that was honestly, purely a mistake.... We really didn't mean for that to happen. It's sad really. A waste..... But, thankfully. You are not. And so he is not. "


Alright. So far so good. 

I have the Ultimate and I have the ticking time bomb to make her talk.

Perfection is within my reach.

"Take her."

"where, sir?" Are these guys idiots? 

"Where do you think? I have displayed to you my plan! The room! the room you idiots! Go! Go! Go!"

"What are you going to do to us?" The sweet, little child dares to ask. 

"Oh, Honey. Trust me. It'll only hurt as much as... Oh, who am I kidding. You're gonna wanna die. "

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