Silent Screams

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I could hear her screams. I could hear her crying. They made sure of it.

I was useless, I was a shell, I was nothing.

I screamed this time. I screamed in frustration, in anger, in desperation. What could I do? What good was I now? With these stupid useless eyes. And these stupid useless powers.

Powers.... No, what would becoming a cat now do?

Suddenly, the screams stopped. It wasn't that odd. I waited for them to begin again. If she was screaming that meant she still lived.

It was silent. Silence went on and on and on. I tried to calm my mind by just assuming they finally let her sleep. It had been almost three days now. Maybe she's not dead. She's not gone. She's just asleep, just asleep, just asleep.

Silent screams,

They radiate within me.

Silent screams,

I need to hear thee.

I waited.


I woke, pain racing through my limbs. I screamed in pain, and struggled to open my eyes. Bright light showered down around me, but outside the rays of light around me it was pitch black.

My body shuddered as pain raced through my veins again. I cried out in pain again. Screaming, screaming, screaming.

Shouts came, but I couldn't hear them through the pain. I heard Kevin's voice screaming angrily at others who were in the room. I didn't even feel the long needle they shoved into my arm. My screams ceased as i became drowsy again.

The last thing I saw was Kevin's grinning face before I once again sunk into the darkness.

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