The Pack Plan

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~ Angel

I couldn't concentrate as the pack was going over the plans to get Mandy out. All I could focus on was Jeff. He was so different than I had orignially thought. Cunning, intellegent, a past he was running away from, and a future in which he wants to be someone better. Just like me. Underneath his inital goofy mask, was so much more to him than I even took time to realize. I mean... obviously I was a little busy.

My attention snapped to the discussion when I heard "cat lady." All eyes were on me for a brief second as they acknowledged my existence in the plan. I noticed that Jeff's eyes lingered a little longer than the rest. Or maybe that was just my imagination. What had he meant when he said that to Sarah? "She saw the way I look at you." What in Cat's Foundation does that even mean. I wasn't used to this confusion. I hated it. I glared at Jeff just in time for him to look up and see it. His face fell. My heart fell. He face quickly scrunched back into his normal expression and he focused on the plan. I suppose I should to. But honestly I can't.

~ Jeff

Don't look at her, don't look at her, don't look at her. Pay attention to the plan. Why did you have to go and say something like that to her?! Now she thinks you like her and it's just going to be really akward. Lovely. I would rather the punching than akwardness. Alright, the plan. Pay attention to the plan.

~ Kyle

Ok are these like literal dog humans? Like, they smell like wet dog. And if they are, does that make Angel a literal cat human? Like, what does that even mean? Cat human, dog human... I think I'm going crazy.


Three deep breaths. One. Two. Three. Calm down. Calm down stupid heart. This is not the time to be pitter paattering. Stop looking at Jeff. He's a numbskull... With very good fighting skills.  Shut Up! Calm down. Listen to the plan.

And then, just as I was ready to focus, I heard Ray yell, "Alright! That's the plan! Move out!" I closed my eyes in anger at myself as the pack rushed by me. They were all careful to not even touch me as they ran past. I breathed deep again and got ready to follow, about to bull crap my way through this plan.

"HEY!" I turned around, astonished at the loudness of Sarahs voice. The entire pack looked at her. "Go over it one more time to work out the kinks. I'm sure we all need a better understanding of it than just one run through."  The entire pack whined. I almost laughed. "Because you're all numbskulls thats why." She winked at me. Did she know that I hadn't been listening or was it just the numbskull thing? Either way, thank Sarah.

The pack formed a huddle around Kyle again and this time, I forced myself to listen. No matter how much my heart pitter pattered or my eyes tried to glance at him. We need to get to Neko and Mandy before it's too late.

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