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I followed Neko.

Even though I was supposed to be part of the rescue team, I have barely taken out more than a few clueless men. This black cat has taken care of more than his fair share of suits while I just stand back, out of his way.

The basement continued despite are seemingly fast progress in the semi-darkness.

Suddenly, Neko stopped. I struggled to not run into him, brushing against his back before actually stopping.

He seemed to be listening. I tilted my head to try to pick up what he was hearing. And then I heard it. Howling.

"That's our cue, Neko. They're making a distraction at the front. We should hurry."

He grabbed my arm and pushed me forward. "Run"

"I can't see, Neko. "

"You can see more than I can. Run."

I begin to run, Neko's grip on my arm never faltering. I see objects only a spilt second before we come upon them, doing my best to hurtle them, dragging Neko along. "Three suits up ahead." He says as we hurtle more boxes.

I barely have time to react as we come face to face with them. Neko lunges at them, twisting in ways I can only imagine in order to bring them to the ground.

He paused after he finishes, as if surveying his work. Instead I hear him say, "I smell fresh air up ahead."

"Thank God" I say, but he only trudges ahead.

"Here." He finally says stopping in the middle of a bunch of boxes.

I see only a speck of light filtering down into the darkness. A trap door?

"Give me a boost." I tell Neko, placing my hands on his shoulders. He easily hoists me into the air. I push against the ceiling, hearing a slight creak as the years of unuse fight against me. "Just a little more." I say, heaving my shoulder into the trap door once more.

The door finally concedes, raining dust down around us. I cough as Neko sneezes.

"Over here!" Echoes across the basement as the footsteps of suits race towards us.

"Save her." Neko says before throwing me though the door and pulling it shut behind me.



I lick my chops as I stare hungrily at the receptionist. She's scared to death of me, making me feel slightly terrible for causing her all this trouble.

I howl again as my pack starts to pour in through any entrance they can find. Suits with tasers and guns alike begin asscending on us. I hear Ray whimper as a bullet catches his shoulder.

I leap with powerful legs, landing on the suit with a smoking gun. Our plan was only to stun, not to kill, but stunning proves more difficult than we thought. Many suits lie dead, huskys with bloodied mouth hovering over them, choosing their next prey.

"No, this isn't right." I growl. Only a few of the pack turn to look at me and acknowledge my request.
Many more ignore me altogether and lunge at throats to satisfy their thirst. I didn't realize the bloodlust was still so strong in the pack. I thought it would die out when... When I left.

Ray sees my face and shakes his head. I was their leader once. I did this to them. The anger grows inside me as I lunge at my own pack, ripping them from their killing spree.

"No!" I scream at them.

I am only met with silent stares. I am no longer their leader. I have no control anymore, only what I left them with.

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