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"Neeeeeekoooooo. Your Queen is coming, my friend."

"No." It was hardly more than a whisper as he uncurled from his sleeping position. His arms still could remember all the places where Mandy would touch had she been in them. "No, no, no, no!" He was screaming now, fumbling in the dark for the bars that held him prisoner. He felt the electric current flow through him as his hand wrapped around the metal bars. He screamed in pain in fury.

"Oh, but she is my friend. Careful, though, you don't want to be too frazzled when she gets here."

Tears slipped down the Cats face as he slipped to the floor. There was nothing he could do.


Angel and Jeff both left. I collapsed onto the couch and gave a sigh. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I would be going after Neko. Tomorrow will be the day.

I trudged to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My glowing eyes stared back at me. A shimmering gray-blue background with what looked like rainbow sparkles swimming in them. Just by thinking it, they turned a deep shade of purple, and then green. Mesmerized by my changing eye color, I ignored the squeak that came from the living room. Bad choice of course, but I couldn't have known that then.

By the time they had me in chains, two had broken arms, six had broken fingers, I may have put one in a coma, and the majority had a pretty bad series of scrapes and bruises. I changed shape so many times in the next few moments that I got a headache. I stopped and tried to hold my head, but the chains held me back. I couldn't get out of them.

"Stretch chains," a nearby soldier explained even though I hadn't asked. None of them really looked happy to be here. They all looked either bored, frightened or just tired. The few I had come in contact with looked a little more than just in pain.

A white cloth was held up to my face. Struggling against it didn't help. The fumes soon put me to sleep.


I woke up in strong arms. My heartbeat sped up instantly and not from the adrenaline of being kidnapped. "Neko?" I whispered, looking up into the jaw of a handsome man. He looked down with searching eyes but didn't seem to be able to see me.

"Mandy? You're awake? Are you okay? Are you hurt? You remember me?"

I laughed despite everything. I reached up and caressed his cheek. "Yes, Neko. I remember you. I was actually coming to rescue you tomorrow... but... it looks like I'll be in need of rescuing now..."

"I wish... I wish you didn't have to be here, Mandy." Tears strained to escape his eyelids as he faced me. His fingers traced the outline of my face as I leaned into his touch. It had been too long. "I wish they would turn some freaking lights on in here. I need to see your face, Mandy."

"Neko..." I reached to brush back his hair which had grown longer in these months. "Neko, the lights are on, honey." Suddenly, I realized he wasn't really looking at me. He was seemed to be looking through me. I moved to sit up, looking more closely at this eyes. He flinched when he felt my cold fingers on his cheekbone. "You can't see me, Neko?" He shook his head. I leaned forward and laid my head on his shoulder. I felt his arms enclose around me as I cursed the people who had made my love blind.

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