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The next few moments were a blur in my head. I couldn't see anything but that didn't mean I couldn't feel. I could feel every movement they made, every breath they took and they smelled terrible. 

Angel seemed to be staring at me. 

"Yes?" I said into the darkness as I checked for movement from the suits lying on the floor. There was none. 

"What happened to you?" her voice came across the darkness. 

"I'm not messing around anymore. They have Mandy. They are hurting her. They will never hurt her again after I'm done with them."

I could sense her hesitation in my answer. Of course, it wasn't the answer she wanted. That was the only answer I could give her. There wasn't another one to give. This was all I had. Getting to Mandy. I suppose anyone will do what they have to, to save someone they love. 

"Let's keep going."

"Neko, wait."

I stopped and waited despite hearing more footsteps in the distance. 

"Jeff and his pack are attacking the building as we speak. They are trying to give us as much distraction as they can so we can find Mandy."

I laughed but then stopped. "The dogs are helping us."


"I appreciate them then. Thank you for getting them."

"It was all Jeff honestly. " I could hear her heart beating way too fast for a normal Cat. 

"who is he?" I walked toward Angel, pushing her toward the far wall.

"He worked with Mandy at a cafe close to here. She was trying to figure out her newfound powers."

"What do you mean 'newfound powers'? "

"You didn't know? She's the-"

A suit came running around the corner. I heard the click of his gun and the fast-paced beating of his heart. He was scared. Should be. 

I twisted into the air, avoiding the fire from his gun, and landed on his shoulders, dragging him to the ground. His head collided with the concrete floor. 

"She's the what?"

"Gosh, Neko... What the heck was that?"

"She is the what, Angel?" I did all I could to look like I was staring at her. 

"She's the Ultimate, Neko."

"I'm supposed to know what that is?" 

"She's everything, Neko. Literally, anything she wants to be."

"Of course she is. But what does that have to do with being 'The Ultimate'"

" Neko, she was an experiment too. She draws changing energy from every living animal around her. It's not just cats Neko. She's everything. "

"She didn't tell me."

"It's probably just because she hadn't been with you in so long."

"Ya probably... Three suits up ahead. You going to be ok?"

"Neko, I came in to save you. Not the other way around."



"Let's go."

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