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I am flying.

Simple as that.


Adrain and I let out a laugh as we both swoop through the air. Clouds fly past us as we soar by. Birds screech as we barrel past them.

Man, I could get used to this.

I stop to land on a telephone pole with one foot. Adrain hovers beside me, acting like Peter Pan with his hands perched on his hips. He had snapped his fingers and magically changed into Peter Pans green outfit earlier.

I laugh, falling off the telephone pole. Adrain laughs too and catches my hand, pulling me up through the air and into his chest. I wrap my arms around his neck and let him hold me as we rocket back into the sky.

"Free fall?" Adrain asks me with a mischievous glint in his eye.

I giggle. Man is he handsome.

I nod and we both let go, of each other and our will to fly.

We both scream with laughter as we plumment through the sky. Thankfully we had willed ourselves into the country so we couldn't spook any random citizens. That would be hard to explain.

At the last second, before our bodies crash into the earth, we both will ourselves to fly again. We hover over the grass, laughing ourselves to death.

I launch myself back into the sky and then land in a tree. Adrain rests on the branch beside me and then takes my hand, intertwining our fingers. The sun begins to set, lighting up the sky a bright red and orange.

I smile. Relaxing into the world around me. I hadn't been this happy since... Since... I sigh and drop Adrains warm hand.

Since the night Neko took me on the run with him. Those first few days were so blissful. And then his past caught up to us. Both of us.

How had I forgotten already.

This world. It's making me forget.
Adrain looks at me with concern. "Is something wrong, Mandy?"

I stare into his gorgeous eyes and his gorgeous face. I listen to his beautiful, concerned voice as he asks about me. Why was he so perfect?

I sigh again. "This is all a dream, Adrain."

Realization dawns in his eyes. "Crap... I'm sorry, Mandy... I forgot somehow. I didn't mean to...."

"No, I get it. I really do. I forgot to. But I understand now. This world... It's literally changing for me, changing in order to get me to want to stay. It gave me the perfect guy that I would undoubtedly fall in love with and it let me forget about all the pain I've experienced. It let me fly. This world is using everything I ever wanted, to try to get me to stay. And just a few minutes ago... I could have chosen to. I could have chosen to forget I was ever in this dreamworld and I could have lived with you, happy. I could be happy with you, Adrain. I really could. But this isn't real."

He nods somberly. "I understand."

I lean forward and place my lips on his. His lips are sweet. I have to force myself to back away.

His eyes are not surprised. "This is goodbye." He says. He already knows.

I have to laugh. "If only you could be every guy in the real world."

"Then every guy would be fake."

I nod and caress his cheek. He leans into it as I say "goodbye, Adrain."

And then he begins to fade. His fingers start to disappear first, followed by his feet and legs until I am only left with his smiling lips and longing eyes.

"Goodbye, Mandy. I hope you find him."

And then he is gone.

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