Dream Walking

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It has been one full week since I had that conversation with Adrain. One week of trying to get me to wake up. One week of failing.

I wonder how much time has passed in the real world. Is it the same time frame as the real world?

I hope not.

Is Neko ok?

I mentally hit myself. Why am I so selfish? What about everyone else? My parents... Angel and Jeff... They have no idea where I am.

But Neko... He's in here too. Not in my dream but in this building, probably in the room next door. Hurting and unable to see.

"You ok?" I feel Adrains warm hand on mine. He was so lifelike. It was difficult sometimes to remember that this was really a Dreamworld. One that was spefically built for me. One in which Kevin was trying to make me want to stay.

I wonder if Kevin could see what was going on in here.

"Ya. I'm ok. Thanks." I look up into Adrains smiling face.

"What's next?" He asks.

"I honestly don't know, Adrain." I shake my head, defeat beginning to write itself into my heart. My hope begining to make a break for the door. "I'm going to go for a walk."

Adrain nods and holds out a sandwich to me. I look quizically at him and he understands instantly. "Ya, it kind of just appeared in my hand after I thought about giving you a sandwich for the road." He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "Sorry. I know you'd prefer to make everything yourself instead of letting the dream do it for you."

One week of having the dream produce anything I wanted to make me happy. To make me stay.

I am on my way out the door when I suddenly see the dream in a new light. "This is a dream, Adrain."

"Yes, Mandy. I'm aware. Im pretty sure we covered this a few times already." He is as worn out as I am from the past week. Its just so realistic.

"So it should be like... Like the Matrix."

"The what?"

"The Matrix. It was a movie. I barely remember most of it but I know that when these people entered a dream world they could do insane things like this one guy could stop bullets and fly."

"Ok....? I'm sorry I'm not really following."

"Or like Lucid dreaming? Do you know what that is?"

I see a dreamy spark appear in his eyes. "So now that you know you're dreaming you should be able to control it."

I nod, excited. "Just like when you were thinking of giving me a sandwich for the road and then it just appeared."

"Right. Right!" Adrain is as excited as I am now.

"I want a rose. A blue and purple one."

Adrain grins as he produces one from his jacket pocket.

I laugh gleefully as I take it and bring it to my nose. The intoxicating smell is wonderful. What a dream.

I bring my foot up and place it back down solidly on nothing but air. Adrains eyes grow wide as I bring my other foot up as well until I'm standing on air.

"No way." He breathes as he runs an arm under my feet.

"Yes way." I laugh. "It's just a dream." I hold out a hand to him and he takes it cautiously.

"Are you sure that you aren't the dream?" He laughs nervously.

"Not at all." I beam down at him as he begins to lift his foot in the air.

Soon we are both touching the ceiling, laughing at the fact that we hadn't realized it before.

Adrain reaches out and takes my hand in his. Our fingers intertwine as we float back to the floor.

What a wonderful place to be with such a wonderful guy....

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