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"You know...this would be a great spot to make out." 

  "You totally thought I was going to kiss you." .

"I just...I feel so conflicted. Like my mind clearly wants me to do one thing and then I see you or hear you or think of you and know how much you would disapprove. And I just... How do you do it? How have you been putting up with me?"

"Does...does he change?" 

"Well I like you too, idiot- I don't mean it literally this time...I'm sorry...I'll find something else...pea brain? Loser? These all sound so mean...."  

"Mandy, you've been staring at me for a good 15 min. Is there something wrong?"  

  "How could I forget?"

  "I'm still part cat, Mandy. I have my needs." 

"it's called a love bite. Cats do it when they really like you."  

   "I decided I like you more than my pride." 

  "Scouting, Reproduction...all leading up to world domination..." 

"Mandy! Why don't you get that I don't like talking about this?! I would honestly just rather lay here with you in silence. Or... or...dogs! Can we talk about dogs for once!? That'd be nice." 

"But I know you need to hear that. And besides, if its the truth, why hide it. Might as well tell you now because you're you, instead of waiting for you to slip back into the pain and despair where you won't listen to me." 

"I do love you. Your parents do love you. And I promise, you will get back to them."

"I guess I wanted to make you happy more than I wanted what I was feeling."

 "The truth? The truth is, when I first saw you I was going to use you and leave you just like everyone else. But the way you cared for me, the way you rescued me when I called, the way you were there, every time. Never failing to leave me alone, I fell so in love with you I didn't even realize until it was too late. Seeing your disappointed face screwed me up inside. I am who I am today because of you. And I'm still getting better. I'm still improving. And it's because of you. So are you a good person? Mandy, you cared for me even after you found out who I really was. And you never stopped. That alone should prove that you're a good person. But you know what else? The way you treat your bus driver, Mike, and the way you always tip your waitress even when she gave you the wrong cup. How you never complain or argue when the library attendants mess up and didn't hold the book you wanted or didn't shelve it correctly so you could find it. How you're always asking your mom if there's anything you can do for her. I know you're a good person, Mandy. Even if you don't know it yourself. And I know people love you. Because the way they look at you, is the same way you look at me. Even when I'm being an idiot. You still seem to love me. And that's the hardest thing of all. I believe in my heart Mandy, that you will be ok. Because you are strong. I am here and you are loved. And you will get through this. Because you are Mandy. And the Mandy I know and love would never let...this win. Whatever it is. Depression? Anguish? Guilt? Whatever you're feeling Mandy. I'm here. And I love you. And you are strong enough. Ok?"  

   "I don't know, Mandy. Find a way to be yourself, I guess. Strive to hold onto yourself. Call your mom and dad. Your brother too. Friends. Anyone. Just....you can't die on me ok? Promise? When I wake up I want you to be here right next to me." 

"I expect to wake up to a hot breakfast and you kissing me, alright?"  

  "I love you too, Mandy."  

  "No. She's mine. Lay off."  

   " I want you to love yourself as much as I love you someday. Ok Mandy?" 

"Mandy, do you love me?" 

"Goodbye, Mandy."

"What? No I mean yes I'm ok. Neko...he's...lost. And no, you look... beautiful."  

  "I wish... I wish you didn't have to be here, Mandy." 

"I still love you."  

"I want to sing to you everyday now. Every moment. Just to have you wrapped up in my arms...Mandy its not enough." 

"Peace and relief in my smile. I can't get enough of you...." he sang.

For me. 

"Neko." I whispered into the dark. My heart couldn't...wouldn't... everything. Everything was lost. 

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