Just another takedown.

Start from the beginning

Y/N: sounds good.

Blake then came out of the room and then we headed out to get something to eat, we walked for about an hour until we saw a restaurant, we decided to enter and get a table and then we started talking for a while until the waiter arrived.

Waiter: hello what can I get you 2?

Y/N: do you have f/b (favourite breakfast)?

Waiter: Yes we do.

Y/N: I'll have that then with f/d (favourite drink) please.

Waiter: ok, and for you madam?

Blake: I'll have the same please with some water.

Waiter: very well, it'll be brought to you shortly.

Y/N and Blake: thank you.

As he left my mind began to drift back to the fight with carnage and tai, I started thinking if I possibly missed something but it all seemed normal but it still didn't sit right, my thoughts were then interrupted by Blake.

Blake: Y/N?.... Y/N?

Y/N: huh?

Blake: you ok? You kinda spaced out.

Y/N: y-yeah I'm fine, just thinking.

Blake: about?

Y/N: the fight with carnage and tai.

Blake: why are you thinking about that?

Y/N: because something just doesn't feel right, near the end of the fight.... it just felt off, me and venom are planning to head to the house and see if he's somehow alive.

Blake: do you want me to go with you?

Y/N: nah, it's fine, anyway, you feeling better?

Blake: Yes, I really needed this, thank you.

Y/N: no problem.

Our breakfast then arrived and we started to eat we then heard someone singing inside, once the song was over everyone began to give a round of applause.

Blake: he's a good singer.

Y/N: please, Y/N could do better.

Blake: really?

Y/N: Yes.

Blake: (smirks) prove it.

Y/N:.... I'm sorry what?

Blake: prove it, I want to hear you sing.

Y/N: but i-i think shouldn't because.... uhh....

Blake: please? It would make me feel better.

Blake then gives me the cat eyes.

Y/N: nope, not looking, I'm looking away, nope, no.

Blake: please?

Y/N: must resist, focus is key, not looking.

Blake: pretty please?

I attempted to resist but in the end it failed, I looked at her face and it got me.

Y/N: (sigh) fine, I'll sing, but one song only.

Blake: that's fine (in head) yes!!!!

I then got up on the stage and played the song and began to sing.

We Are Venom - Abused and neglected male reader x RWBY (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now