Fate Of Infinity

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{There's only room for one hero in this stor and everyone knows the devil doesn't get to be the good guy- Joe Hill}


Hello there! First of all I would just like to thank you for reading my story. The first couple of chapters might be oddly written because I did not edit them unlike the rest of the chapters. I am currently editing them but the rest are completely fine.

This story is not related to Peter Pan in ouat. I have only used the idea of making Peter Pan evil. I don't want you guys to relate him to ouat events. Thank you lovelies.

Feel free to correct any grammar/spelling mistakes.


January 1987 - Pan's POV

After the victorious battle against the cloth hanger or in other words; Captain Hook, I successfully teleported the treasure I claimed into the cave; the cave that no one can see let alone access but me. It is a place of pure magic, too powerful for a mundane lost boy to see.

This was another win for the lost boys, time for a feast. With pride and victory rushing through my veins, I turned around to leave the cave for the feast only to be stopped immediately. A strong field; sort of magnetic, began hitting me from the back, as if to signal me to turn around. I did what I felt and turned around only to feel the force radiating from the treasure I had just costumed. That's odd, what's so special about the treasure I stole today? Then again it was even more peculiar that Hook had this treasure kept in a place away from everyone's eyes...what do we have here?

As I began walking towards the tiny hills of riches, the force just kept getting stronger and stronger. I immediately shut my eyes to concentrate on the field hoping to know where it was coming from. Left...right...left....forward...right...left... LEFT!

I quickly shot my eyes open as I turned my gaze to the right side, my sight immedialty catching a book floating mid-air. A book that flies? Nothing weird about that. Then again I am a teenage boy who never grows old, who am I to judge?

With fisted hands and curiosity filling me up, I walked up to the floating book and stood right in front of it to examine it. It was a crimson shade of red with odd golden carvings on it. It also had an odd lock on it on the side. You'd expect a lock to be opened with a key but this one had the carvings of a stone. The only way to open this book was by placing the stone in its right place. The only problem is that I have never seen such stone carvings before in my life and I've lived long. It had an odd cut, a shape I had never seen before. Now of course this doesn't mean I won't try to open it, I am Peter Pan; I don't take the easy way.

I extended my hand and grabbed the book with determination to rip it open. At my touch, the book immediately shot open while radiating a golden glow. It did not make any sense at first but I eventually understood how it opened as I went through the pages quickly. The book in my hand happened to be sort of like a prophecy. It spoke of me, my life to be specific. It mentions what I was, what I am, and what I am yet to become. Since the book is connected to me, it can be opened at my touch and for some reason the stone...who had this stone?. No wonder why Hook had it hidden, he must have wanted to know what was inside it. It must be holding the darkest secrets about my past and future. Well the only way to find out is to read through it.

I sat crossed-legged on the pile of treasure beneath me as I began scanning the book quickly. It talked about my past, present, and held some secrets of what's yet to come. It started off talking about my past; how I came to existence and the birth of Peter Pan. There were also many sketches of when I was just child. It then talked about the present, as if the book has just been updated since today's victory with Hook has already been documented. And finally, it held some secrets of what's yet to come, since only a couple of pages were left. I have no idea who and why whoever it is wrote this book and more specifically how whoever it is managed to know all of these secrets, must be a wizard or some sort of.

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