Enter the Hive

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Red silk folds rippled around her lightly tanned skin as Petra reclined into a velvety white love seat in her elegant two-piece pajamas. She was propped up on one arm, with a heart shaped green sucker bobbing in and out of her mouth by way of her free hand.

A clear screen hovered in midair feet from where she lay. Her eyes scanned the lens with a devilish grin curling around her sugary lips.

A bald man, her escort, stood like an obedient servant near the doorway of the all-white room. His eyes studied his mistress, but whenever her gleeful gaze flickered towards him he pretended to have been staring into the opposite wall.

"You're dying to ask." Petra gave a girlish giggle and rolled over onto her back on the white love seat. Her head and long train of black hair fell back over the edge of the cushions as she looked playfully towards her rigid, on-guard escort.

He looked straight towards the opposite wall instead of at her upside down grin and the way that her red silk pajamas were falling forward just enough to show a glimpse of her slim stomach.

"I'll tell you. Since you're too shy, always too shy." Petra giggled. "Kim Namjoon of Noon Mool is coming for a visit today. And he's bringing me a present." She gave a girlish squeal. "He really knows the way to a girl's heart."

Then Petra delicately rolled backwards off of the white couch and landed with an effortless spring in the ankles onto her bare feet. She pivoted and walked towards her bald, mute escort, with that devilish grin still playing about her ruby red lips.

When she stood in front of the short bald man, a proper laugh escaped her as she saw the hint of a black ghostly gleam shifting over his eyes.

Petra clapped her hands together two times in enthusiasm. "I just love getting what I want."


Shae's hands wrapped a little tighter around Joon's stiff arm, and they walked into the meeting room.

Blinding white light met them. And more white: walls, ceiling, floors, hairy rug, elegantly curled armchairs and sofa, empty picture frames of all shapes and sizes hanging rom the walls. All of it was a sterile, perfect white.

All except for Petra. She slid from the sofa where she'd been reclining, her silky red pajamas fluttering around her slender frame, vibrant red like fire but free-flowing like water. Her long black hair was twisted into a messy knot on the top of her head, and both her lips and her fingernails were coated with a ruby red. Her eyes were sharp, delighted, beautiful and terrifying.

Shae swallowed.

"Come in, come in. Do take a seat." Petra gestured to the sofa upon which she'd just been reclining. Her eyes fluttered over Shae and Joon as they walked forward in response. Once standing in front of the sofa, Kim Namjoon let Shae's arms unfold from his, and he stretched out a hand for her to take as she sat down in a careful and ladylike manner.

Joon didn't sit.

"Did you forget that you were expecting company?" Joon asked, his eyes flickering to the silk pajamas Petra so shamelessly wore to receive them. He already knew the answer.

"Of course not, I've been looking forward to this treat ever since the gala. Oh, and what a time that was! I've been DYING to ask you--how did you punish your escorts after the fact? Such naughty girls." Petra clicked her tongue, but her tone of voice was more excited than disapproving.

Kim Namjoon didn't mean to betray a hint of surprise in his face at the question, but he did.

"You don't KNOW, do you? That right after Hoseok knocked you out for those dreadful five minutes, he tucked tail and ran off to board the same ship as your dear, sweet escorts? I'm most certain they all left together."

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