"Well I Ain't No Saint"

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"Remind me why she is here again?" Jin sat in the copilot's seat of a mid-sized stealth jet and he rolled his eyes back over his shoulder. He shot an accusatory glare towards the back seat where Ava sat.

She was fully decked out in her fishnets and body armor. She sent Jin back a smug grin and folded her arms. "Because Tae said I could handle it."

"Hmph!" Jin turned back around in the co-pilot's chair where he sat, decked out in his own fighting gear: an all-white leather two piece ensemble with pastel blue accents that made him look a bit like a racecar driver from an anime.

Jin pulled out a metallic cylindrical container from beneath his knees. He unscrewed the cap and started munching noisily, bite by bite, on what looked like soft pink cheese puffs.

"Eh." Jungkook grunted from the pilot's seat as he leaned towards Jin, his hand poised for the mouth of that can while his eyes stayed fixed forward. Jungkook was sporting strappier all-black leather gear, and he let out a whine as his hand failed to reach the open mouth of the can of puffs.

Ava noticed a utility belt on Jungkook's hips with metal studs sticking out of it. That's not kinky at all.

Jin hugged the can of treats to his chest and away from Jungkook, rather pleased with his food-guarding skills.

"Gimme soooome," Jungkook continued to whine.

"Okay, okay...." Jin tilted the canister Jungkook's way, and the pilot began to take a large handful of pink puffs and begin messily shove them into his mouth.

"Hey, eyes on the road up there!" Ava called from the back seat.

"Gha, ah gah ih."

Just then, the back hatch of the ship opened, making Ava shout, "AH!"

Chimin paused, face frozen in apologetic empathy. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

Jin sassed bossily, shifted around in the copilot's seat again, "Hey, hey! Why aren't you below deck? There's an assault laser to man, sir!"

Chimin leaned forward in his silvery combat suit and dove his hand greedily into Jin's tin of puffs with his tongue sticking out of the edge of his mouth. "I smelled snacks. Also, it's cramped down there and smells like feet. And I don't think we're gonna need any blasters. I mean." He shoved a few puffs into his cheeks, a pleased grin on his face at the taste. "We are in stealth mode, after all."

Jin sighed. "But this is Min Yoongi's security system we're talking about. For all we know, he could have already seen past our shields and spotted us coming at this point. AYE! Don't take it all!"

Jungkook have dived in for a second round, his hand sticky with his own saliva.

"Ugh. Double dipping is the worst." Jin curled his lips in disgust.

"Coming in hot, Kookie," Chim said, leaning forward with one hand on the back of both Jungkook and Jin's chairs no, all of his treats eaten.

"I see, I see."

Jungkook managed to sneakily and successfully attach their stealth jet to the belly of Yoongi and Hoseok's much larger ship: like a little invisible tick. No alarms were sounding yet, it seemed.


Jungkook and Chimin had crawled through the open hatch of their small stealth ship and were scaling along the belly of their enemy's own ship with expert precision. Their target was a small safeguard hatch that they had parked their craft near to.

Ava was now sitting in the pilot's seat and trying to watch for the two of them out the cockpit window.

"I don't see them."

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