The Perks of Being A Wall Flower

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There was nothing like a bird's eye view and the blissful joy of solitude to the whizzing gears of Jungkook's always-ticking mind. The people, like ants, gliding around the ballroom floor in graceful patterns were his soothing background music while he worked.

"A little to the left." Chim's voice sounded in Jungkook's ear, bright and cheery.

Jungkook shifted the position of his feet, which were perfectly sealed to the wall each time he lifted and repositioned them sidelong against the wall. When he picked up and then placed his feet back down, orange light flickered beneath each foot, a sign that the climbing runes etched into the soles of his feet were in active mode. The same symbol echoed across his left forearm through his suit, which was miraculously suctioned into the wall as well and, between the Mysterium-powered runes and his own physical strength, holding his body steady.

"Are you eating right now?" The sound of Chim laughing in his ear made Jungkook smirk at himself, with a mouthful of dried nuts in one cheek as he worked. The crunching was loud in his comm device.

With his free arm, Jungkook pulled a small disk from inside his suit jacket. It was the size of his thumbnail. Like a sticker, he peeled a thin film from the bottom of it using his teeth, and then popped the small disk onto the curved white wall of that large dance hall.

Tae's deep voice echoed in Jungkook's ear now, "Watch the clock, Kookie. Your invisibility cloaking device will only work for another twenty minutes, and then it'll run out of juice."

Jungkook swallowed his snack. "Just one more left to mount."

"Be careful," Chim answered back.


Tae said sarcastically, "Yeah, right," making Chim and Jungkook laugh.

Jungkook began crawling steadily sideways, parallel to the wall and still high up near the ceiling frescos of the dance hall.

Chim's voice sounded again in his ear, "So Hobi was spotted, right?"


The golden twinge to Chim's voice disappeared when he answered, "Who was he with?"

"Dunno." Jungkook was panting a little. This superhero-wall-crawling was no joke.

Tae wondered, "Maybe he snuck in without an escort somehow?"

"Impossible," Chim replied.

Tae answered back, "Have you forgotten who we're talking about? Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi. Hoseok is a combat specialist, and Yoongi is the most technologically savvy person probably in the whole galaxy. Between the two of them, what'd they be able to pull off?"

The sound of Chim smacking his forehead echoed through Jungkook's audio feed. "Cloaking devices. Of course."

Jungkook pulled up to his target, just next to the fourth main column holding up that classical domed room. He braced against his left arm again and fumbled in his pocket for the last disruptor disk.

He peeled the film back with his teeth, then he answered into his audio feed, "I bet you Yoongi made a holographic date for him outta data somehow."

Tae laughed, "Talk about desperate. Also, there are so many reasons why that wouldn't work."

Chim interjected, "That would mean that he's breaking the law, showing up without an escort! If he's caught, he could end up--"

Jungkook stuck the last disk in place. "He could end up arrested and put on trial."

"Maybe even executed," Chim answered in a low voice.

Tae interjected loudly, "Okay, but guys! First of all, there's no way that's what happened. Yoongi and Hoseok are good, but they're not THAT good. Second of all, if it was true, I still think it'd be hilarious that Hobi had to design a date because he couldn't find one. And last but not least... his safety is not our problem anymore."

Jungkook started crawling his way slowly down the wall. "Technically, no. But that doesn't mean that I don't care what happens to him."

Jungkook couldn't see it, but Tae and Chimin exchanged weighty glances inside the control room back at Noon Mool.

The friendly chatter in Jungkook's ear died down after that, and Noon Mool's finest operative zeroed in on the task at hand.

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